Picturesque Altai is a favorite of photographers and one of the most winning destinations in Russia for photography . The secret of the popularity of Altai and, consequently, the frequent appearance of its amazing views on the pages of photo albums of illustrious photographers and in the growing archives of beginners in this art is a fantastic variety of landscapes of this mountain region . It is not for nothing that the Altai is called a country of contrasts - here there are high peaks, and picturesque passes, and deep long caves, and boundless steppes, and pure cold lakes . Pom This natural splendor of Altai can boast of a huge number of distinctive nationalities with unique cultures originating in the Scythian period and the Golden Horde era, which means that photo tours will be of interest not only to landscape admirers but also to fans of genre photography, those who are interested in capturing human faces that are so different in appearance, but surprisingly identical in those emotions that give them a smile in the corners of the mouth or sorrow in the eyes. - $ .

Advantages of phototours in the Altai

What is Altai's glory from the point of sp Nia photographer? Without exaggeration, we can say - to many. First of all - incredible beauty landscapes, the number of which is so great that you will certainly need one, and preferably two backup memory cards. In Altai, you can safely close your eyes and take a picture at random - the frame may not be ideal from the point of view of photographic science, but it is guaranteed to be successful in content - ugly species do not exist here.

Secondly, offography "with a mass of diverse landscapes. In Altai, not only amateurs will be bored, but also professional photographers - here in the first, and in the fifth, and in the tenth arrival you are amazed at the same time phantasmagoria and mighty greatness of nature.

Finally, this is a universal direction in terms of the level of physical training of participants. You can also drive around Altai on a comfortable minibus, unloading "on the whistle" on the best photocasts, and to examine it for your two men, climbing and descending the passes, stepping along the emerald valleys and wading through the icy Siberian rivers, even in the August heat. ±​​$ br >

In Altai, you can safely close your eyes and take a picture at random - ugly species here simply does not exist.
Altai, Teletskoye Lake Photo tours in Altai
Beautiful view, Belokurikha Photo tours in Altai
View of the city, Belokurikha Photo tours in Altai

What and where are we shooting?

Photo tours to Altai - an indispensable "mast-visit" for those who are keen on landscape photography .If you want to go through a pathetic path, join the "rolled back" photo tours along the Kurai steppe or the shores of the Teletskoye Lake - these landscapes most often appear in albums on Altai .In addition, it is easy to get here even for tourists with a level of physical training, striving to zero - in the region roads are laid and transport communication is adjusted .If you are a supporter of "ter incognito", welcome to the photo tour of the unknown Altai - to the steppe Samahu, to the tract of Chokpartas, where you can take a lot of pictures of semi-wild horses, and the so-called Pass of all Altai tops, where you can take stunning pictures of the five major peaks of this mountain ridge .

Fans of the genre photography will also not be disappointed with photo tours to the Altai - they will be met by the original cultures of nomad cattle breeders with their yurt homes, the measured pace of simple life in the bosom of nature, colorful celebrations and simple human joys that are so pleasant to remember.

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Photo tours in Altai