Photo tours to Kamchatka rightfully can be called the quintessence of photographic travel in Russia .Amazing Kamchatka region, perhaps the most unusual region of our country and a real storehouse of fantastic landscapes, which means - a tidbit for all photos not indifferent to the art .Legendary Kamchatka - the edge of active volcanoes and vast glaciers, boiling geysers and hot thermal springs, the purest lakes, stormy rivers and powerful waterfalls .The peninsula is washed immediately by three reservoirs, and on the banks of each of them formed its own unique ecozone, in which you can see the truly Darwinian variety of flora and fauna .Let Kamchatka from the capital of our homeland almost half a flying - you forget about all the inconveniences as soon as you step on its picturesque lands, which you want to photograph again and again, without getting tired, sleeping and resting .

In Kamchatka, you can perfectly master the mastery of color rendition - volcanic eruptions, the pre-dawn dusk of hummocks floating in the mist, fiery sunsets over valleys ...

Advantages of Phototours on Kamchatka

Almost incredible for the planet Earth a variety of landscapes and their exceptional beauty - the main thing that makes people come to Kamchatka those whose soul is not alien to the admiration for the art of photography .What is especially important - the local landscapes are extremely multifaceted, and the occupation in the soul within the framework of photography will find for itself any $ ±.In Kamchatka you can shoot landscapes - marine, including industrial landscapes, because Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the eastern outpost of the Russian fleet, mountainous - and not only classic views of the slopes and passes, but also active volcanoes - from one and a half hundreds about thirty regularly thrown into the sky ash columns and spew lava flows .And how beautiful are the flowering summer valleys with the hills hanging on the horizon, how fascinating are the lava fields and caves, how splendid the dawns are over the stern Bering Sea!

View of the city from the Avacha Bay, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Photo tours to Kamchatka
Historical center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Photo tours to Kamchatka
View of the city in the background Koryaksky volcano, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Photo tours to Kamchatka

The richest flora and fauna is another photographic "feature" of Kamchatka, which will be appreciated by both macro-lovers and fans of photo-hunting. The region is especially famous for the population of brown bears, and with the necessary perseverance and luck it is possible to make remarkable shots worthy of an atlas of zoology (although the equipment will also need appropriate). In addition, you can perfectly snap seals, killer whales and numerous bird populations.

An important point: if the region is far from the capital of the photo tour, there are no difficulties with it: the transport system of Kamchatka is well developed, and even those who are extremely negative about physical stress will be able to join the photo tour. However, if you are ready to combine photo-hunting with active rest, Kamchatka will also not face you in the dirt: a lot of trekking routes are laid here, climbing to hills, river rafting, helicopter tours and much more are possible.

Where and what we shoot?

Photo tours to Kamchatka first of all are hotly recommended to fans of landscape photography - for them Nature has prepared here millions of dizzying landscapes .It is here that you can perfectly master the mastery of color rendition - volcanic eruptions, the pre-dawn dusk of hummocks floating in the fog, fiery sunsets over the valleys - here are just a few of the colorful "representations" of Kamchatka .In the national parks of the Kamchatka Territory, a direct road to animalists - all kinds of wildlife representatives here can spare .Well, fans of the genre shooting will be delighted by the simple, but such a real life of the indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka..

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Photo tours to Kamchatka