Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Spain, France, Bulgaria - all this is only a part of the most favorite countries for recreation with our compatriots. However, most tourists do not even assume that very near there are much more interesting and attractive places, capable of bewitching with its beauty and pristine charm of nature.

Severe Ural vacation
Severe Ural vacation

More recently, companies that provide tourism services are increasingly offering jobs in Yekaterinburg. And this is not surprising, as the surrounding beauties are magnificent and can give joy to all who love not only fishing, but also ski walks, and also prefers to visit historical and architectural monuments.

The famous Stonehead does not need an additional representation of .About him, millions know, and he devoted a lot of TV shows and science-fiction films .However, not far from Ekaterinburg (although it is worth recalling that distances in the Urals are measured in hundreds of kilometers), remnants of an equally amazing structure were found .It is a museum-reserve of archeology, Arkaim protocities .Its creation dates back to the 18th century BC .It should be noted that it was here that numerous evidence was found that related this monument with an English colleague .Numerous studies conclusively prove that here also built the oldest observatory .Moreover, both complexes are located at the same geographical latitude, in the lowland, having the shape of a cup .

Another unique gift to the whole world is the Siberian husky - sled dogs. Their popularity is so high that many children, without knowing it, are familiar with one of the famous dogs, thanks to the popular cartoon. Balte or Bolto immortalized in a stone in one of the cities of Alaska. And the breed itself enjoys a frenzied popularity in different countries, not only as a sled, but also as a decorative.

Naturally, the level of comfort, in general, is different from the one offered at tropical resorts. Of course, there are modern and comfortable hotels and boarding houses, but by and large, you have to count on ordinary tourist tents and self-cooking. But this is the main advantage of these places. Paraphrasing a well-known expression, one can say that rest, like work in Yekaterinburg, is so severe that ... they will be remembered for life and will be remembered many years later. And necessarily want to repeat the journey. Moreover, it's so easy to do it.