The State Military Historical and Natural Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Field" is a unique memorial object, reminiscent of one of the most important events in Russian history. It was here, at the confluence of the rivers Don and Nepryadva, on September 8, 1380, a battle took place with Khan Mamai, which became the beginning of the liberation of Rus from the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Kulikovo field
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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for airline tickets to Moscow (nearest a / p to Kulikovo field)
  • 2 Restaurants, shops and hotels
  • 3 Transport
  • 4 Memorial complex on the Red Hill
    • 4.1 Column of Dmitry Donskoy
    • 4.2 Temple-monument of Sergius of Radonezh (1913-1917)
  • 5 Museum Complex of Monastyrshchina village
    • 5.1 Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (1875-1884)
    • 5.2 Museum of the Kulikovo field
    • 5.3 Monument to Dmitry Donskoy (1980)
    • 5.4 Alley of Memory and Unity
    • 5.5 Green oak tree
  • 6 Other attractions in the Kulikovo field
  • 7 How not to miss anything
  • 8 Events
    • 8.1 Tula region

How to get

Kulikovo field is located in the Tula region, 320 km from Moscow along the M4 highway and 130 km from Tula, the landmark - Bogoroditsk. Since the field itself - the concept for a tourist object is quite stretchable, it is necessary to focus on two geographical points - the Red Hill of the Kulikovo field (Ivanovka village, Kurkinsky district, Tula region) and the village of Monastyrshchina (Kimovskiy district, Tula region). From the first to the second kilometers 8, it is easy to reach by the signs.

Search for airline tickets to Moscow (nearest a / p to Kulikovo field)

Restaurants, shops and hotels

Come on Kulikovo field from Moscow for one day - entertainment for the strong in spirit .The journey takes 3-4 hours one way, so the ideal option is to come here on the weekend, staying at the museum-reserve hotel .The hotel appeared here very recently, in early 2011, and now it is an excellent restored complex of ancient buildings in the village of Monastyrshchino .There is a Professorial building (rooms from 2500 per night), where the suites are located, and the Student building (from 1200 per night, during festivals and reconstructions - more expensive) with usual, but very comfortable double rooms .Since in c .Monastyrschino no full-fledged restaurant (and only open at the museum cafeteria with snacks), each building is equipped with a full kitchen - very clean, modernly equipped, which includes even a dishwasher .In each room - a small refrigerator, toilet and shower, TV .

Map of Kulikovo Fields
What tourists are accustomed to calling a restaurant, on the territory of the Kulikovo field is not .Near the Red Hill (opposite the museum building) there is a cafe that has been open since 1980 and feeds both individual tourists and groups that came by bus (first-second and compote for two about 500 rubles, there is no menu).Here on home without frills, but it's quite tasty..Another cafe is further along the road towards d .Ivanovka and the Forgiven Well, as well as a cafe on the territory of the museum in .Monasticism .A little further - two cafes in the settlement of Epifan .The nearest really good restaurant can be found in the city of Bogoroditsk - the hotel and entertainment complex Elit (st..30 years of Victory, 1a) .Here, lunch for two will cost already 1000 rubles .

With shops on the Kulikovo field, too, everything is not so simple. Products can be bought in two shops in the village. Ivanovka (near the Red Hill), but the assortment there is small. But drinks, frozen semi-finished products, cereals and something for tea will find. Therefore, those who want a full-fledged shish-kebab or something like that, it's better to take everything from Moscow or Tula.

Kulikovo field
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No public transport, not counting intercity buses that will not bring tourists to 10-15 km, there is no field on the territory of Kulikovo. Therefore, the only option to see all the sights is your own car.

From with. Monasticism before the Green oak grove (the place of battle, here was also in the ambush of the Reserve Regiment of Dmitry Donskoy), you can get on a britzka for 60 rubles to adults and 30 rubles to children; guide to accompany - another 80 rubles. Bricks are very comfortable, go softly on a well-trodden road in the field, so the pleasure of the trip will be 100%.

Memorial complex on the Red Hill

Column of Dmitry Donskoy

The monument-column in honor of the victory of Dmitry Donskoy's troops over the Golden Horde troops was created according to the sketches of Alexander Bryullov and was inaugurated on September 8, 1850 .The height of the monument is 30 m, weight 110 tons .On the lower tier there are niches with inscriptions and bas-reliefs, the space between them is decorated with cast helmets, swords, shields of Russian soldiers .Crowned with a golden gypsum column with an Orthodox cross .In 2005-2007, ą $ .the monument was restored, so the column looks like a new one, despite its venerable age .Not far from the obelisk is an observation deck with a bronze slab depicting the alignment of forces during the battle .It is worth considering that the view from the observation deck opens not so hot, it is not much higher than the rest of the landscape .

Temple-monument of Sergius of Radonezh (1913-1917)

St. Sergius of Radonezh inspired the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich of Moscow to win the battle with the Golden Horde. Architect A. V. Shchusev created a temple project in the style of ancient Russian churches of the 14th-16th centuries. One of the domes is made in the form of a military helmet of the XIV century. The church is currently active and belongs to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Festival of folk traditions "Bylina" in the village of Monastyrshchina

Museum Complex of Monastyrshchina village

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (1875-1884)

It was built for the 500th anniversary of the victory at Kulikovo Field at the burial place of the soldiers who fell during the battle. The Nativity of the Virgin is a church holiday, which occurred on the day of the battle. In 1980, the temple was restored, and in 2008 - restored the iconostasis of the late XIX century.

Museum of the Kulikovo field

It is located in the building of the former parish school next to the church. The exposition "Russia is a great beginning" tells about the formation of a single Moscow Rus. Among the exhibits: handicraft implements, jewelry, household items of Rus before the Mongol invasion; scientific reconstruction of equipment and armament of Russian soldiers and soldiers of the Golden Horde; equestrian armor; relics of the Kulikovo battle (which, incidentally, came to us quite a small number). Entrance - 40 rubles adults; pensioners, schoolchildren and students - discounts, photo-shooting 20 rubles.

The museum impresses with a truly modern exposition, in which you can see not dusty showcases, but fascinating halls, the collection of which is presented almost in 3D - light, sound effects, original design of racks, etc. - $

Monument to Dmitry Donskoy (1980)

Monument to the work of the sculptor O. Komov was installed in Monastyrshchina on October 14, 2000, earlier was in the exposition of the museum of the Kulikovo Battle on the Red Hill.

Alley of Memory and Unity

A small alley leads to the monument, decorated with memorial plaques on both sides with gratitude from residents of Russian cities and union republics.

The confluence of the Nepryadva and Don rivers is 1 km from the Church of the Virgin. In good weather, it's a pleasure to stroll through the picturesque countryside, but not to be disappointed, it's not worth to expect too much from the sight of two streams merging into one.

Green oak tree

Place Kulikovskoy battle, about 3, 5 km from s .Monastyrshchino, which can be reached on foot or on the britzka .From here you can see the panorama of the Column of Dmitry Donskoy, as well as the whole place of the battle .It is here that you can fully imagine the location of the regiments, the movement of the army of the Horde and their escape from the Reserve Regiment of Dmitry .In addition, the feather grass was planted here (the traditional steppe grass growing here in those times, which as a result of the climate change practically disappeared) and the experimental garden with rare steppe grasses and flowers .Around - the Russian steppe, hawking hawks in the sky, and the silence, so rare for residents of large metropolitan areas .

Reconstruction of the battle episode and parade of participants in 2009

Other attractions in the Kulikovo field

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in the village. Sebino - a place of pilgrimage to the homeland of Matrona Moscovskaya.

A forgiven well is 12 km from the Red Hill. According to legend, it was here after the battle that Dmitry Donskoi washed his wounds and said goodbye to the dead soldiers. Since then, water from the spring is considered curative. Here you can take tasty icy water with you, and also dip in a special wooden font. And also enjoy the view of the Don, where the river originates.

Museum of the history of Russian merchants in the settlement of Epifan in the Kimovsky District. The museum expositions introduce visitors to the peculiarities of the life of the petty bourgeois at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, Epifan is remarkable for its ancient square, where two ancient temples have been preserved.

How not to miss anything

The best option is to go through Bogoroditsk and the village of Epifan, where you immediately see the Museum of the History of Russian merchants .Then get to with .Monasticism .Here you can see the temple, the museum, ride on the britzka to the place of battle (Green Oak) .After that, go to the Red Hill, from there reach 12 km to the Provenh well .And if the forces and desire remain - to visit Matronushka's homeland, in the village of Sebino .On the way back you can stop at the museum-preserve of Bogoroditsk manor .To inspect the perfectly restored complex of buildings, climb to the observation deck (20 rubles), visit the museum (exhibition about the owners of the estate + exhibition with paintings and porcelain), stroll through the green park .


Several times a year in the Kulikovo field there are bright historical reconstructions and festivals. For example, every September (as we remember, the battle took place on September 8), a global reconstruction of the battle is organized here, to which tourists from all over the world are flocking, so it is better to book a place in the hotel in advance. Here you can also enjoy Maslenitsa and Christmas, Day of Russia, organize noisy fairs, sports and much more.

Author - Gulshat Zakirova Photo of Kulikovo field (10)