The position of the Kamchatka peninsula near the convergence zone of the huge plates of the earth's crust made it one of the most interesting places on earth, which can be called a volcano gallery .Six unconnected segments of the peninsula are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - the total area of ​​this territory is 3, 7 million hectares, and together these areas cover most of the types of presently existing volcanic reliefs, each of them in its own way very special and interesting .In total there are approximately 30 active and 300 extinct volcanoes in Kamchatka .

Most of the volcanoes of Kamchatka are located on the eastern ridge, including the most active ones: Mutnovsky, Avachinsky, Karymsky, Klyuchevskaya, Nameless and Shiveluch.

One of the most amazing corners of Kamchatka is the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve, where today there are 12 active volcanoes .In addition, the reserve is the Valley of Geysers, which is also very popular with tourists..Here you can see a truly fantastic spectacle in which geysers with beautiful names Giant, Big, Triple, Pervenets, Sugar and many others participate, with natural "special effects" using hot fountains and steam clubs..The ancient caldera of the Uzon volcano, formed 40 thousand years ago on the site of a giant volcano, with mud-filled depressions and thermal lakes, is also located on the territory of the reserve .

In Kamchatka, most of the currently existing volcanic reliefs are found: there are approximately 30 active volcanoes and 300 extinct volcanoes in all.

Another major complex of volcanoes - the Middle volcanic belt - is located in the Bystrinsky Nature Park. In addition to being the largest protected area in Kamchatka, there are more than 120 volcanoes of various types, the largest of which is the now awake Ichinsky volcano, 3607 m high. It is interesting for its size, unusual shape, beauty and blue obsidian outcrops, but approaches to it have a higher category of complexity and are only available to experienced climbers.

In the territory of Nalychevo Nature Park you can see the most incredible types of relief, with the most interesting history of volcanic-magmatic and hydrothermal activity .The valley of the Nalycheva River covers a ring of volcanoes, among which there are 4 active ones: Koryaksky, Zhupanovsky, Avachinsky and Dzendzur .By the way, Avachinsky volcano, despite its activity, is accessible to tourists .Even unprepared people under the guidance of experienced instructors can climb to the crater .In addition, in this unique place on Earth, scientists observe the activity of volcanoes .

Valley of Geysers

In the south-eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula there is the Natural Park "South Kamchatka", where the volcanoes Vilyuchinsky, Asacha, Mutnovsky, Khodutka, Zheltovsky, Ksudach and Ilyinsky are located. This is a picturesque place where our own ecosystem was formed, which was hardly touched by the human hand. The landscape of the Mutnovsky volcano is constantly changing. Everything here is shrouded in a phantasmagoric aura of beauty: the colors and shape of the slopes, crater walls, glacial fields and turquoise water in thermal lakes.

In the Klyuchevskoye Nature Park, the volcano of the same name rises, the highest of the continent's active volcanoes and possesses stunning beauty. Klyuchevskaya hill, gathered around itself a group of 12 volcanoes - the highest volcano of Eurasia (4750 m) and the most active among the active ones. Klyuchevskaya Park is considered a region of a rare natural phenomenon - modern volcanism, and thanks to beautiful glaciers bears the romantic nickname "Land of Fire and Ice."

Volcanoes became a symbol of the Kamchatka Territory, without them this wild and free peninsula is unthinkable. When you find yourself next to the majestic crater of a volcano, there is a feeling that this is not just a geological object, but something more, alive and animated. It is for this feeling that travelers come here, behind him and for moments of rumbling and enchanting silence, which stretched out over the expanse of volcanic valleys.

The volcano in Kamchatkahttp: // export = view & id = 1NuQztP8QzNOEg5eWWmlUemGQSeb-NxqE Volcanoes of Kamchatka
Geysers in Kamchatkahttp: // export = view & id = 1bK05bOIKNZlULpb9luFY4GFx3ytmGb1h Volcanoes of Kamchatka
Kamchatka volcanohttp: // export = view & id = 1NgC5COBuTPPL8xwtkgnmuQhEV_es4kEU Volcanoes of Kamchatka