Southern and Northern forts Balaklava - bright examples of fortification art of the early 20th century .These long-term fortifications were intended to protect the southern side of the garrison of the Sevastopol fortress .The first substantial fortifications in the mountains of the Balaklava began to erect the British during the Crimean Defense of 1854-1855 biennium .Their experience and part of the fortifications on the slopes of the summit of Asketi was taken advantage of by the military engineer Polyansky, who developed the project of the Northern and Southern forts .However, even before the end of the war, such fortifications became helpless before new types of weapons and morally obsolete, so that they were not finished .Fort Severnaya Balaklava was built for three years beginning in 1912 ., it was located on the slopes of Mount Kefalo-Vrisi at an altitude of 212 m .The layout of both forts, like their device, is roughly similar to .

The southern and northern forts of the Balaklava are striking examples of fortification art of the early 20th century. These long-term fortifications were intended to protect the southern side of the garrison of the Sevastopol fortress.

The fort was deep moats cut in the rock and connected by a concrete tunnel. Soldiers and wounded men were housed in the gallery, and ammunition was also stored. In 1925 the construction of the fortifications resumed, then they completed the laying of the road, equipped the reservoirs and established engineering networks. The installation of guns was planned, but because of the October Revolution these plans were not destined to be realized.

Balaklava Barrel

If along the Balaclava coast in the direction of Cape Aya to climb the footpath, then on the mountain Spili you can see a strange object: an iron "barrel" suspended high above the abyss. This is just part of the fortifications of the Southern Fort, and highly valued in certain circles.

The "barrel" was famous because of the terrible legend that appeared in the 1960s: they say that the Germans dumped Soviet prisoners of war into the sea.

In fact, the notorious "barrel of death" was a high-altitude observation post, hanging right above the precipice. In its walls and floor holes were made for artillery optical devices. Moreover, initially there were two such devices, exactly what happened to the second barrel - it is not known for certain, however it has not survived to our time.

Barrel of Death

Contemporary fate of forts

After the war, the Balaklava forts were used to test bombs, then ammunition and explosives were stored there. In the 1970's and 80's. on the territory of the forts based aerostatnaya team, providing communication with Soviet submarines.

Nowadays, the underground premises of both forts are partially flooded with groundwater, and metal parts are mostly cut off by marauders.

If during a walk in the picturesque surroundings of Balaklava suddenly there will be a rumble of shots and explosions, do not be afraid. This is not an undermining of underground arsenals and not reviving the ghosts of old forts. Recently, on the mountain Kefalo-Vrisi, they loved to arrange "amusing battles" the reenactors of historical battles. On its flat top, they deploy military bivouacs and arrange costumed battle scenes from long-time past.