Cap Skirring - the cape in the south of Senegal in the Casamance region, the famous resort area and the "water" gate to the southern wonders of the country. - $ . Beaches here are not without reason are considered one of the best in Africa, growing every year, crowds of European tourists flying here like moths on a lantern . Thanks to the warm coastal currents in Cap Skiring you can swim all year round (which can not be said, for example, about Dakar or Sali), and a string of bent over the azure smoothness coconut trees creates and Vovs utopian landscape: it seems that such wonderful views can not be real .

How to get to Cap-Skidding

Cap-Skying has its own tiny airport.

From Russia It is necessary to arrive in advance at Dakar airport (for example, Air France airlines through Paris, Lufthansa via Frankfurt, Turkish Airlines through Istanbul, Alitalia via Milan, Iberia via Madrid). Previously, the flight of the national air carrier Air Senegal on the route Dakar-Ziguinchor-Cap-Skying departed from there daily, but since 2009 the situation in Air Senegal is unclear: the company declared bankruptcy, then attempts were made to resume commercial activities. Until now, there is no guarantee in the availability of air communication between Dakar and Kap-Skyring.

For those who like to move by land with immersion in the daily life of the country, you can suggest a trip from Dakar to nearby Ziguinchor by minibus or ferry, from where you can get to Cap Skiring To get there by taxi (distance - 75 km.) or again by shuttle bus.

As an option - rent a car at Dakar airport and drive 450 km in about 10 hours (including ferry crossing on the Gambia river).

Flight search in Cap Skying

Travel e on the terrain

The easiest way to travel around the resort area of ​​Cap-Skyring is on foot: it stretches for only 10 km, while the main hotels are concentrated at maximum five. Nevertheless, you can always take a taxi or use a bicycle rental service in one of the hotels.

Cap Skying hotels

In Cap Skiring about 30 hotels, campsites and residences. Among the most popular are the Club Med (recently reconstructed after a fire), Résidences des Alizés, Hibiscus, as well as the residences Villa des Pecheurs and Les Carangues.

Book Popular Skip Hotels in the best prices

Les Alizés Beach Resort from 9 312 rub. Cap Skirring Plage du Cap Skirring
Cisko Center from 3 781 rub. Cap Skirring Derriere la caserne des pompiers Cap skirring Hotel Maya from 4 206 € Cap Skirring Plage de Boucotte, Route de Diembering, 7 Km au Nord de Cap Skirring

Beaches of Cap-Skidding

Most of the beaches around the cape are wild, not counting, of course, attached to hotels. On the wild beaches you can safely bathe: the depth increase here is gradual, and the ocean, as elsewhere, is very clean.

The water in Cap Skiring is always unusually warm: from +23 to + 30 ° C depending on the season.

Shopping and shops

Senegalese souvenirs can be bought in small shops at the hotels. Pay attention to "cankuran" - traditional masks of the southern region of the country. In Cap Skyring there is also a market of crafts (marché artisanal).

Photo-types of Cap-Skidding

Entertainment, excursions and sights of Cap-Skyring

One of the popular excursions is a visit Aboriginal village of Kabruss. During the trip, you can see the traditional dwellings of the inhabitants of the village, watch ritual dances and listen to the hymns, and watch the national struggle.

In the national park of the Lower Kasamans region, located on the border with Guinea-Bissau, on the territory of 5000 hectares a huge number of animals: pink flamingos and colobus monkeys, fantastic galago and porcupines, mongooses, jackals and buffaloes.

From Cap-Skilling you can visit Guinea-Bissau - organized tours are organized in the country. The visa must be obtained at the Embassy of Guinea-Bissau in Ziguinchor (among other things, it is much cheaper than the similar procedure in Dakar).

The Casamans River, spreading, forms a vast delta to the north of Cap-Skilling; this is an excellent opportunity to see firsthand the amazing mangrove forests of the coast of Senegal.

Club Med Hotel has a good golf course.

In addition, the guests of Cap-Skilling are offered a variety of active activities: horseback riding along the coast, hiking through forests and villages, trips to the quads, fishing, going out to the ocean on pies and motor boats and water sports.