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Expert reviews of hotels in Slovakia

 Hotels in Slovakia
Editions of Subtleties

In Slovakia, there is no shortage of hotels wherever you go. However, the most popular tourist places are considered to be Bratislava, Tatry, Poprad and Kosice. Here, the number of new modern hotels is growing rapidly.

In the Tatra National Park, accommodation in summer, as well as during the New Year and Christmas holidays, must be planned and booked strictly in advance. In other areas, be prepared for the fact that some hotels - still not a restored heritage of the socialist past. They provide a very modest set of services and standard rooms to their guests.

Accommodation options in Slovakia

The hotel sector is provided mainly by small private hotels and villas for rent. In mountainous areas, you can also be accommodated in shelters-crawfish, where guests can sleep in a shared multi-bedded room and a hot shower.

In general, mountainous areas are offered accommodation in truly spartan conditions. In summer, they often do not have enough seats, and travelers are offered accommodation on the floor, but with two warm blankets. Hot showers and dryers are included in the price. But in skronisks, guests under the age of 26 are given a discount.

In summer, in the Tatra mountains, accommodation in tent camps - fenced areas with stationary tents, where guests are provided with hot showers and kitchens. In this case, the rug and sleeping bag must be carried. To place tents outside specially equipped areas is prohibited.

Employees of the Tatra National Park located in the Tatra National Park speak Russian, as well as the staff of the local guest houses and crocs.

If you want to stay in a private apartment, attention to the signs of UBYTOVANIE (premise) or PRIVAT. This is a private aparthotel where owners give their guests a room - usually without a separate bathroom, usually in an unused portion of the family home. But such options are almost always clean and cheap.

The cost of accommodation in hotels of Slovakia

The price of accommodation in Slovak hotels approximately corresponds to the price level in other countries of Eastern Europe.

The average price of a double room in a three-star the hotel is € 60 - € 70 in the major resort centers and € 35 - € 50 in small towns. The motels located on the main thoroughfares take for only € 25- € 40 per stay, but stopping here traveling without a car will be extremely inconvenient. In this case, the service in them is not inferior to the city options.

Almost everywhere in the cost of accommodation is included breakfast.

The highest price is set in the high season, which here comes from May to September. During this period, the price of rooms in Slovak hotels is higher by an average of one-third.

For budget travelers there are a lot of inexpensive accommodation options: motels and private boarding houses, all kinds of tourist bases and camping sites, where even in the peak season the cost of accommodation is an order of magnitude lower .
Many hotels may be closed after 22 hours: if you arrive late, do not despair and just call the numbers on the sign. The owner, as a rule, lives in the neighborhood, and will not refuse accommodation.