High and Low Tatras, Smokovec and, of course, Bratislava - all these names are familiar to tourists traveling to Slovakia .But not only they deserve the closest attention of travelers: 440 kilometers from the capital of Slovakia is the city of Kosice .In this large industrial center, the countries were able to make the impossible and preserve the historical part of the city (and the first mention of it is found in the annals from the 13th century!) In complete safety .This combination of ancient architecture and a modern urban landscape against the backdrop of the Black Mountain and the Gornad River is worth a visit to Kosice (Kosice) .The

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How to get to Kosice

It is quite easy to do this. Of course, the fastest way is the air way. A ticket for one of the two or three daily Bratislava-Kosice avivareys costs about 17 EUR, and in an hour you will be in a cozy Kosice airport, located just 6 kilometers from the city center.

Nevertheless, many prefer the speed of the opportunity to enjoy roadside views, the benefit of the convenient location of the destination makes the road to it easy and pleasant. True, quite a long time, if you go from the capital, for example, rented there by car (from 20 EUR per day). I must say that getting a bus from the same Bratislava is cheaper, the ticket costs only 14.70 EUR, but the trip will take about 8 hours.

For comparison: the bus from Poprad will cost 4.5 EUR and drive to a new, recently renovated bus station in Košice for 2-2.5 hours. By the way, the bus service is established not only with other Slovak cities, but also with other European countries.

Map of Kosice
As before, trains remain popular, and the route from Bratislava to Kosice takes from 5 to 7 hours and costs 17.20 EUR.

In general, the choice is yours, because the only thing you can not get to the destination we need is a boat.

  • How to get from Kosice to Banska Bystrica

Climate Kosice

Kosice March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+8 ° С in the afternoon
+3 ° C at night
° С water
Kosice March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+10 ° С in the afternoon
+5 ° С at night
° С water
Kosice March 3, Tuesday
+8 ° С in the afternoon
+6 ° С at night
° С water
Kašice weather forecast 10 day
Average monthly temperature, ° C
янв Feb mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug A seine Oct ноя Dec
afternoon +1 +3 +9 +15 +20 +23 +25 +25 +20 +14 +6 +1
night -6 -4 +0 +4 +9 +12 +13 +13 +9 +5 +0 -4

Hotels in Kosice

Kosice - a nice place to rest, in which it will not be difficult to find a place to stay overnight .As in all tourist places, prices are calculated for a wide range of travelers .On average, a double room will cost from 30-40 EUR per day, there are more comfortable options, prices start from 70 EUR .There are absolutely low-budget options designed for students or undemanding people .Such hostels or hostels will cost about 17 EUR for the cheapest single room or from 7 .5 EUR per bed (bed)! Such, for example, hostel Mescki Park, bribing price and very convenient location .As the name suggests, it is located right in the park of the same name, between the stations, near the city center .For a cheerful unpretentious company of four people (exactly how many beds and night tables in one room) is better than a variant you will not think up .The

Kitchen and Restaurants Kosice

Tired of the abundance of impressions and deciding that it's time to refresh yourself, choose a cuisine to your taste .In addition to authentic cafes and restaurants, such as the famous "12 apostles", you can dine with Italian cuisine at the pizzeria "Venice" or have a good time at the Irish pub "Diesel" .But especially good in Kosice confectionery .Oh, what strudels and cakes! Do not miss the café "Aida", you do not forgive yourself this .And, what's nice, lunch at a local cafe or restaurant will pleasantly amaze not only the quality, but also the price level, which range from 5 to 17 EUR .That's just relaxing in the cozy cafe chair and sipping delicious coffee or local wine, do not lose vigilance .Although the crime rate in Kosice is amazingly low, there are pickpockets here, and a bag closed in a car or left on a chair simply serves as a challenge to their "professional honor" .The

Shopping and shopping

What kind of tourist trip do without shopping? Correctly - it is impossible not to walk through local shops and not to buy gifts and souvenirs for everyone who is waiting for you at home .You can do it in the huge shopping complex "Optima" .To do this, you will have to walk to the city center or go there by tram No. 5 or bus number 10 .However, modern stores offer, nevertheless, most of the products are standard, without raisins and local color .So if you want to bring something special for Košice as a gift, it makes sense to walk around the shops located in old houses in the historical, pedestrian area of ​​the city .There you can find pictures of local artists, and old photographs (and the city has changed a lot after the past wars), and forged products and much, much more .The

Town Kosice

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Kosice

What should be of interest to the tourist who found himself in Kosice, first of all? Of course, the Old Center! Since the city itself is compact, it will be easy to walk to it .Although if you want you can also ride on local trams and buses .Along Mlynskaya Street we reach the main street (the name that speaks for itself) and enjoy the marvelous architecture .It is here that the real pearl of Kosice, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture - St. Elisabeth Cathedral .Not surprisingly, this building was built two centuries! Having bought a ticket for a moderate fee, you can go inside and admire the frescoes and statues .Art painting attracts tourists not only to the cathedral or the church of St. Michael, but also the city theater, whose ceiling is decorated with scenes from Shakespeare's works .But, despite the fantastic beauty of the churches and the tower of the belfry of St. Urban, the most important landmark of the square is the unique for all Europe singing fountain .The

After this, so to speak, compulsory program, you can go to study Kosice further, wander around the parks, admire nature, visit local museums (by all means visit the museum of metal jewelry!) And explore other historical monuments of the city. For example, the eerie plague column or the bastion of the executioner, the statue of a marathoner and numerous palaces: by their number Kosice confidently leads the way among all Slovak cities. Photos Kosice (3)