Where the angel woke up wealth
Nadezhda Serova

Originality of the nature of Slovenia

There is a well-known proverb, the meaning of which begins to be particularly clear when you are in the Balkans: "God has a lot! "What is true is the truth - where else can you find such an amazing variety: the sea, forests, mountains, lakes, valleys, gorges, fjords ... Not enough? If necessary, you can, not particularly, straining to find many more.

One of the favorite Balkan legends (which, no matter how sneaking, each of the Balkan peoples refers to their own country) tells that:.When the Lord created the world, he decided to fairly distribute all natural beauties, so that no one was hurt. .And for this purpose sent to the earth an angel .The messenger flew over the ground and out of a special bag, evenly distributed wealth - here the sea, here the mountains, here the steppe, here the forests .And over the Balkans, the last place, over which he flew, the bag sagged, and from it all that was left was poured out .Therefore, you can find everything here that darling please .Handsomely? In my opinion, yes, but more importantly - absolutely corresponds to the objective reality .The

And it can apply to any of the Balkan countries, without exception. Yes, in Serbia and Macedonia, for example, there is no sea. But what mountains, what lakes! But it is Slovenia, may all the other Balkans forgive me, to the fullest extent can carry this legend to myself. Judge for yourself - small, sandwiched between Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Italy, the country is so beautiful and picturesque, contains so many things that it can quite argue on an equal footing with the sympathy of travelers with their venerable "tourist" neighbors.

When you drive from Croatia to Slovenia, something is subtly changing. Villages and towns look different, richer, akin to Austrian, although, as I have repeatedly written, Croatia is one of my favorite countries, and I like everything about it. But the truth is true: Slovenia, from the very first steps you take, looks well-groomed, clean and prosperous. This is not surprising, because even in the years of a single Yugoslavia, it significantly exceeded all its other parts of the standard of living.

Slovenia has a very small coastline: Italy and Croatia coolly squeezed it from both sides. This explains the originality of the Slovenian beaches - they are very tightly arranged one after another, sometimes it looks kind of funny in the city.

Cars are going, people are walking, there is some kind of obviously not a resort life, and then, just a couple of steps away - the embankment, such a mini-Riviera, where the completely relaxed vacation audience roars.

It seems that the Slovenes are on the beach, barely leaving the office. It looks all very picturesque, as on an old pastoral postcard: Alps are already beginning here, and the "squeeze" of the coast between mountains and the sea seems absolutely natural.

Sudden transition from a beach theme: Slovenia - a famous center for ski tourism .Especially easy to explain the interest in these places beginners: the Alps are still "soft", wooded .Rocky rock ledges create the necessary variety, but do not prevail, as, for example, in neighboring Austria .And if the Alps in general - a fairy tale, the High Alps - fairy tales from the category of scary, breathtaking, and Slovenian - from those that can easily tell children at night .Probably, if I were an artist, I would learn to write only here: these landscapes are so good that they can not be spoiled .The

Alps, Kamnik, Slovenia Where the angel woke up wealth

Finally - a few words about Ljubljana, the capital of the country. This is an amazingly nice and home town, in which, nevertheless, you will find everything that is cute to the soul of a tourist: an ancient castle with a view of the Alps, a historical center with all its attributes, a charming promenade with weeping willows, a university plane tree and many other things. In general, Ljubljana can not be better suited for the role of the main city of the country, from which no traveler will leave disappointed.