Spain is one of the southernmost and hottest European countries, a Mediterranean state with a climate typical of the region. There is enough warm winter and a moderately hot summer, and at world-famous resorts, like the Canary Islands, the air temperature practically never drops below the mark of +15 ° C.

As well as with us, the winter in Spain lasts from December to February, and summer, respectively, from June to August. The most attractive beach holiday is in August, when the coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea are maximally warmed up and reach a temperature of about +26 ° C (and sometimes even higher).

Since the territory of the Spanish state is quite extensive and differs quite a variety of relief, the climate in all its regions also varies .For example, on the Mediterranean coast there is always a moderately hot summer and a fairly warm winter with abundant rainfall .In winter, in this part of the country, the air temperature on the average warms up to +15 ° C, and sometimes to +18 ° C .In summer, the average temperature is +28 ° C, but sometimes it can rise to + 37 ° C - when hot air masses from tropical Africa reach the southeast coast of Spain .This territory is characterized by a typical for subtropics mild and comfortable climate .

The most attractive beach holiday is in August, when the coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea are maximally warmed up and reach a temperature of about +26 ° C (and sometimes even higher).

Also in the northern and western regions of Spain one can observe similar climatic conditions, conditioned there by the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. True, the temperature regime is somewhat different. In summer, the thermometer is unlikely to rise above + 25 ° C, and in winter, the air warms to an average of +8 ° C.

In the central regions, a typical continental climate that is separated from the sea and the ocean coast by mountain massifs can be observed, which however has a higher temperature amplitude, a dry and very hot summer, and even a frosty winter. True, the frosts in Spain are not at all harsh, the lowest temperatures are fixed in the mountains - and even there the thermometer does not fall below eight degrees of frost.

In general, on average, the winter temperature ranges from +2 to +5 ° C. But at the same time, if the summer days in the center of the country are much hotter than in the coastal areas, then the nights here are pretty cool, with daytime temperatures of + 32 ° C, at night the bar can drop to +15 ° C.

Winter on the Costa del Sol