What to see in Spain?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Spain is one of the most beautiful countries on this sinful land, in which the climate perfectly matches the human notions of a comfortable and happy life. In addition, since the country belongs to the list of participants in the European Union, the infrastructure and other benefits of civilization are better developed here

Look in Spain, among other things, stands on the bullfight. Impressive young ladies often confuse this national Spanish fun with the concept of "cruelty to animals", but hot Spanish guys do not stop fighting bulls. On the other hand, humanists, who are a little more sorry for people, tend to see in this dangerous sport the echoes of the barbaric past and the tool for the natural regulation of the number of men on earth.

On whose side the tourist will appear, it is difficult to say at once, for this it is necessary to visit the bullfight. Entrance fee is 50 EUR, for old people, for children under 14 years of age and for pregnant women is strongly discouraged.

Slightly more calm and spiritualized against the background of a bloodthirsty corrida, the architectural sights of Spain seem to be.

For example, a visit to the medieval Gothic castle of Belver on the island of Mallorca will be an excellent solution for all those people who secretly dream of knightly times and ladies of the heart. Despite the fact that for five centuries of its existence the castle has lost all its former charm, it still represents an object of the cultural and historical heritage of Spain. And to walk along the same corridors in beach slippers, on which knights in heavy armor strolled, is priceless.

In addition, it would be a grave crime not to visit Barcelona, ​​in which the Holy Family was and is the true gem, which is an excellent example of monumental medieval art.

Naturally, it is worth to visit the local stadium. It is rumored that if you look at a football field in Barcelona for a long time, you can see how Lionel Messi scores his four hundredth goal. More information about what you can see in this amazing country, read on the page of the sights of Spain.

May 8, 2013

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