I had no doubt that on this holiday I will definitely go abroad..Where - it does not matter! Czechia, Poland, Spain, Ukraine - any country from the list will arrange me, and the choice will depend only on my inner will and solvency at the time of the trip .Czech and Prague - something extraordinary: beautiful temples, proud palaces .Poland is a little behind its arrogant neighbor, and if I went to Prague, I would certainly visit Warsaw, too,.In Ukraine, the elder brother lives and calls for a long time, so if there was not a lot of money in his pocket, I would have had to surprise my family with a surprise of .Well, Spain is my dream, sweet dreams and dreams..Madrid, Seville, Salamanca, Zaragoza ... these names sound like a romantic song .How I want to see the Crystal Palace in the Retiro Park, visit the Prado museum, dream, sitting in a wicker chair by a small cafe on the Plaza Mayor! Or maybe I'd rather go to Barcelona to look into the Gingerbread House in the Park of Guell, drown in the water dust of the charmingly beautiful Magic Fountain .Yes, yes, I knew in advance that I want to see in Madrid, and what to see in Barcelona is .

Port of Barcelona, ​​Spainhttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1RzoHwMV2rSoDqyXo54UQP3I_ZlTl1Q80

However, in a travel agency recommended by friends, I was disappointed: there was not an ideal tour to Spain that would satisfy my requests 100%, but honestly I did not want to buy excursions that were not interesting..Seeing that I am rapidly losing optimism, the young girl-manager gave me another radiant smile and said she can offer a very elegant solution to the problem: an independent tour of any city in Spain in my choice, but in the company of a personal electronic guide .On this kind of devices, I've heard a lot, and even in the pocket of a phone with a GPS-navigator, and therefore with a double attention listened to the girl .

The proposal was more than tempting: I was helped with documents, tickets and hotels, and I could determine the content of my cultural and entertainment program myself .As for information support and a reliable guiding hand, this role should be taken by the GPS guide .A compact electronic device can guide you through the map, tell you about sights in mini-films! In my soul raged excitement, and so I did not have to persuade: I signed all the papers and deposited the amount of money .The closer was the day of departure to Barcelona, ​​the more I was tormented by doubt that, while buying a very cheap tour, I made a reasonable decision .However, having received from my beloved sister a parting "pozdnyak rush", I went to the airport, passed all sorts of control posts, performed all the formalities and excitedly boarded the plane .

The first check my electronic personal guide for Spain was already on the road from the airport to the hotel, where I was going to take a number, leave the bag, and then rush into search of adventure. How to use this technical miracle, which is a cool pocket computer, I figured out for ten minutes. On his screen I saw interesting places. A pleasant female voice helped me to travel around Barcelona as confidently as if I was born in it and lived all my 35 years of life.

I saw the night, colored by the fairytale lights of the Palacio de Montjuic, strolled along the Gothic Quarter and unmistakably reached the sea. Find the necessary attraction, look the way to the hotel with this electronic guide is not a problem. I even forgot that it has a battery that can be discharged at any time: all the first day I used maps and navigation, sat in a cafe and looked at the screen of my guide videos about Barcelona, ​​played in the evening at the hotel in the games and only before going to bed remembered, that the device must be put on a charge.

During the ten days of traveling around Spain, my electronic guide became an indispensable assistant. His information bins were incredibly voluminous, he showed me a lot of such places, which only true fans of Spain know.