If you want to enjoy the color of the terrain, the beauty of the landscape, visit secluded places that are not accessible to traditional tourist routes, and learn the highlights of the town - without hesitation, take the car for hire . Only in this case you can get freedom of action, full of sensations and feel yourself the master of your holiday, not dependent on the standard schedule of excursions . Beautiful countryside, comfortable opel, racing with the breeze, unusual nature, lost towns, pleasing the eye of the structure, hospitable localities residents - these are the win-win terms for a great vacation .

 Travel by car in Spain
 Travel by car in Spain
Streets of Madrid, Spain

For traveling by car it is not necessary to go there from home, in almost any country in the world you can rent a car. This is quite simple, but at the same time requires a careful procedure. Consider the main points of renting a vehicle abroad.

There are two ways to order a car: booking on the Internet or renting on the spot. In the first case, you save time, money and are more insured. But during a personal inspection, the selected vehicle may not be suitable for characteristics or equipment. In the second variant on the spot choose a model suitable for comfort, equipment, size of the trunk and interior. The disadvantages will be a higher cost and risk of the absence of rented cars in the midst of the tourist season.

Going on a car trip, it is worth remembering that in every country there are its subtleties of traffic .Favorite by Russian travelers, Spain has a well-developed "RENT A CAR" service and affordable car rental conditions for tourists: driver's age from 21, driver's license of international standard, experience of at least a year, credit card payment, collateral . Local firms offer a wide range of modern models of vehicles, including a convenient Chevrolet Lacetti for traveling on roads. . Depending on the car class, the fee ranges from 50 to 500 EUR, so people of different incomes can afford car hire . Cheapest fuel at gas stations near supermarkets, expensive on highways and in the center of big cities .

Spain will pleasantly surprise with excellent quality of highways - autopistas . they are paid, but road fees (peajes - paehes) are purely symbolic and not costly for the traveler . Autovias - the national network of highways and highways, their passage is free, their numbers start with the logo N . However, if you want to enjoy the unique color of the month suburbs and picturesque landscapes of the countryside of Spain, then you will have to travel on secondary roads of inferior quality . For a walk on country bumpy roads, it is best to choose a car with excellent driving qualities and high maneuverability, for example chevrolet cruze .

When traveling by car in Spain, be sure to keep all the necessary documents with you. Do not violate the rules of the road and speed mode. Penalties are very high and the local police do not indulge tourists, but considers bribes as an insult and an additional violation. Observing the basic norms of behavior and traffic rules, you will get an unforgettable impression of traveling in Spain by car without overshadowing it with unexpected incidents.