One authoritative travel portal from the US has published the top ten most sought-after tourism destinations this year .What was the surprise of the readers when they saw Sri Lanka in the first place .The thing is that this island because of the protracted civil war between various ethnic groups for a long time avoided even the most brave pilgrims .The fighting lasted 16 years .During this time, serious damage was caused to the entire tourist industry of Sri Lanka..Many settlements in the north and east of the state were wiped off the face of the earth .

Recently everything stopped. After so many years, peace and tranquility returned to the island for the first time. Travelers from different countries rushed to snow-white beaches, coconut palms and inexpensive hotels. Virgin forests, dizzying sunsets and local culture have not left aside the majority of world tour operators. Interest in the local places in tourists just goes off scale.

Types of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is the first for tourism
Types of Sri Lanka
Starfish in the waters of Niaveli beach Sri Lanka is the first for tourism
Starfish in the waters of Niaveli beach
Panorama of Polonnaruwa Sri Lanka is the first for tourism
Panorama of Polonnaruwa

Many people who visited Sri Lanka say that its native inhabitants are very smiling and friendly, the territories are clean and beautiful, and the diversity of flora and fauna will make even the most gloomy traveler admire.

More information about this island you can by visiting any tourist portal about Sri Lanka.

The second place in the rating of the most visited tourist countries was occupied by Montenegro, which deserved such an assessment for the diversity of the nature of its region..And the picturesque Budva, and the beautiful Bicici, and the bay of Kotor, and the wonderful beaches of the local Riviera have captured the close attention of tourists from different countries..In addition, the country has a very developed network of hiking and cycling routes .Montenegro is a real pearl in the world of travel business .Its landscapes are beautiful, its waters are azure and pure .Excellent service and affordable prices make this resort very attractive for many people..

South Korea took the third place in the ranking of the most popular tourist countries of this year. What is it that attracted travelers so much? First of all - sports. Golf, football, swimming and fishing - that's why they come to South Korea. Royal palaces, ancient Buddhist monasteries and a rich nature with bright landscapes can conquer the heart of any wanderer.

The following places in the ranking were shared by Slovakia, Ecuador, Solomon Islands, Turkey, Iceland, Dominican Republic and Madagascar.

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