The Northern Mariana Islands, which actually and legally belong to the territory of the United States of America (as well as the entire Marian Archipelago), are presented to us as a separate direction .This is not accidental: the nature of the holiday itself, and many of the nuances of staying here are completely different than at other American beach resorts..For tourists, the Northern Mariana Islands are untouched and very beautiful tropical nature, many historical places associated with the battles for the Pacific Ocean during the Second World War, fantastic coral reefs, sea fishing with a rich and diverse catch, golf, surfing, diving, snorkeling and good conditions for beach holidays .

The capital is Susupe on Saipan Island. Large islands - Saipan, Tinian and Rota.

A full list of the islands, cities and resorts of the country can be found on the city page and the resorts of the Northern Mariana Islands, and about when it is best to go here and what to do on the site, read the page tours to the Northern Mariana Islands.

How to get

There is no direct flight from Russia to the islands. You can fly to Saipan with a connection in Shanghai (China Eastern), Tokyo (Japan Airlines and Northwest Airlines) or Seoul (Asiana Air). The duration of the flight (without taking into account the connections) is about 16 hours.

In case of flight through Tokyo or Seoul, tourists will need to issue a transit visa. But if tourists do not go to Seoul from the airport, and are only in the transit zone, they do not need a visa.

Search for air tickets to Tokyo (nearest a / p to the Northern Mariana Islands)

Visa to the Northern Mariana Islands

To enter the territory of the Mariana Islands for a period of up to 45 days for tourism purposes, Russian citizens do not need a visa.


Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. You can bring in any amounts in cash, traveler's checks and checking cards. Only amounts over USD 10,000 are required to be declared. When you import gold, a declaration is required. The personal use items are not subject to duty, the import of perishable products (meat, vegetables, fruits and others), weapons and drugs is prohibited in the country. It is forbidden to export corals and other local marine life.

Useful phone numbers are

All emergency services (ambulance, police, firefighters): 911

For subscribers of Russian operators roaming in the islands is not yet available - but there you can rent a cell phone. Phone calls to Russia are best done through a telephone card from public phones in hotels, on the streets and in shops. Calls from hotel rooms are significantly more expensive.

Map of the Northern Mariana Islands


The voltage in the electrical network is 110 V, 60 Hz. The standard of sockets is American.

The climate of the Northern Mariana Islands is

Climate of the islands is tropical, trade-wind .During the rainy season, tropical precipitation falls (mostly at night, but there are also rainy days for several minutes) .The rainy season lasts from July to December, the average temperature at that time is + 33 .+ 35 ° C .From July-August to October-November in the Pacific there are tropical storms and typhoons ."Dry" months on the islands - from December to June, because of the sea breeze, the average temperature at this time is + 27 .+ 29 ° C .Average annual temperature of sea water +25 ° C .The best time to visit the Northern Mariana Islands is from December to March, and the tourist season on Saipan Island lasts all year .

Weather forecast for Northern Mariana Islands


Traveler's checks in US dollars are accepted everywhere, except for the most remote islands .It is not necessary to exchange them: most hotels, restaurants and large stores accept them as cash .Commercial banks are on Saipan, Rota and Tiniana .On other islands, tourists will have to bring enough cash to pay for goods and services, since small private shops do not accept traveler's checks .This applies to renting boats and yachts, as well as paying for services of guides and guides .Major credit cards (especially Mastercard and Visa) are also accepted for payment almost everywhere, but again - only on large islands .

Tipping is optional and remains entirely at the discretion of the tourist. There is no generally accepted size of the tip, according to tradition in bars and restaurants, foreign tourists leave "on tea" no more than 10% of the invoice amount, and porters and hotel maid usually give out 1 USD.

Types of Saipan

Shopping and shopping

Prices in all stores - fixed, not traded.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Northern Mariana Islands

The best places for snorkeling: Saipan - the island of Managaha, Tiniane - the beach of Tachon, Rota - Corell Gardens in the Gulf of Sasanaya. All three main islands of the archipelago are good for hiking. The main route on Saipan is the Laderan-Tangka trail through the Marpi-Commonwealth forest. On Tinian there is a beautiful route along the banks of Kammer and Taga south of San Jose.

Other means of recreation: the popular windsurfing (the best place for him is the Micro Beach on Saipan), tennis, golf and short underwater excursions in the lagoon between Saipan and the island of Managaha, where on the sea floor, in addition to its numerous inhabitants, you can see the traces of the wreckage of Japanese ships and American "B-29." Photo of the Northern Mariana Islands (17)