Hello! Please answer the following questions:
1. I'm going to fly to Guam for 10 days. Tell me, where exactly do they check the availability of return tickets? When departing from Russia, upon arrival in Guam or both there and there? And also, do tickets to both sides be checked during transit, for example, through Seoul or Japan?
2. What documents are needed in order to fly from Russia to Guam and what documents are required upon arrival?
3. Can I fly one way to Guam and buy a return air ticket already in Guam for dollars?

Responds Natalia Bespalova
1. The route of the entire flight is checked on the passport-immigration control on Guam. 2. Passport and air ticket. An immigration officer on Guam has the right to request a hotel voucher from us or an immigration invitation from the host party to make sure that you visit Guam for tourist purposes. 3. If you are going to visit Guam on a visa-free regime, you should have a return ticket at the entrance.

July 14, 2014

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