Hello .I'm tormented by one question .I am a Russian citizen living in Italy, married to an Italian citizen, I have a residence permit in Italy, but I still do not have Italian citizenship..This summer we want to go to Tunisia for a week .Booked tickets to the travel agency .I would like to know if I need a visa? I tried to call the consulate of Tunisia in Naples, they told me that if there is a voucher, then the visa is not required..And in the consulate of Tunisia in Rome, we were told that the presence of a voucher does not play a role, a visa is in any case necessary,.Please, please, do I need a visa to Tunisia or not?

Responds Alexander Azarov
90% sure that the visa will not be required. It is strange that the consular institutions of Tunisia give conflicting information.
Responds Marina Zaikina, Head of the Department of Sri Lanka, India, Philippines - $
If you fly on a Russian passport, then a visa is not needed. But you need a voucher for accommodation. For Russian citizens entering Tunisia for tourism purposes, a visa is not required. The reason for entering this country is the tour operator voucher.

July 16, 2013

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