Tell me please, I'm flying alone to rest in Tunisia, is it safe? The

Answered by Alexandra Azarov
Yes, absolutely safe. Naturally, if you use common sense! The
Answered by Information department of the "Thinness of Tourism"
Consider that you are going to a Muslim country and try to dress modestly: simple dresses, medium-length skirts, jeans, T-shirts without a pronounced decollete. Choose a larger hotel, where there will be many vacationers.

However, these are general recommendations, rather rules of behavior, rather than warnings. Your security in Tunisia is practically nothing threatening - you can go alone, no one will stick. Of course, if we adequately assess the situation and leave in a timely manner, suppose from a disco.

Be ready, that European girls are constantly watched here. In hotels the staff is well-trained, there is no question of any harassment. But outside the hotel - in the city, in the market, etc., be prepared to be looked at.

September 26, 2013

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