Once the Roman settlement of Ruspina, and now the popular resort of Monastir, attracts tourists with an inexpensive rest, combined with pretty high-quality beaches, a cozy medina with a mass of historical sites, thalassocenter and golf courses, as well as proximity to the noisy youth Suss .Outside the city, the tourist zone Skanes allowed to preserve the authentic atmosphere of the city, where life flows in the same way as during the time of the first president of Tunisia, Habib Bourguiba .The head of state was born in Monastir and preferred to rest here - which is evidence of an extravagant mausoleum, one of the most visited monuments of the city .

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  • 1 How to get to Monastir
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Monastir
  • 2 Transport in the city
  • 3 Weather forecast for Monastir
  • 4 Hotels in Monastir
  • 5 The sea and the sun
  • 6 Kitchen and restaurants in Monastir
  • 7 Shopping and shopping
  • 8 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Monastira
  • 9 Leisure
    • 9.1 Monastir and surroundings

How to get to Monastir

Air traffic at the Habib Bourguiba Monastir International Airport has declined many times with the opening of a new airport in Anfida, but direct charters from Russia continue to land here .Transaero and Tunisian carrier Nouvelair carry out several flights a week from Moscow's Domodedovo and other cities of our vast .If you landed in Anfida or the capital airport of Tunis-Cartage, you can fly to Monastir on the domestic flight of the local airline Sevenair, which carries out at least one flight a day between Tunis and Monastir .Travel time - 1 h .

Monastir Airport is located directly in the tourist area of ​​Skanes, 9 km from the city center. Some hotels can be reached on foot; a taxi ride to the most remote will not take more than 5 minutes.
When flying to Monastir, you will certainly enjoy the view of the multi-colored reservoirs for salt evaporation and, in winter, flocks of pink flamingos.

Inland, you can get to Monastir by shuttle bus, lagoon, intercity bus or train. There are two railway lines - the big one links Monastir with large remote cities, the small, so-called "metro du Sahel" - with Souss and Mahdia, and also the mass of villages along the coast.

The main transport hub of the region is the city of Sousse, where long-distance buses, minibuses and trains stop. From Sousse to Monastir in this case, it is easy to get by taxi - 20 min and about 15 TND or local "loyage" with payment of 1, 2 TND.

Search for air tickets to Monastir

Transport in the city

The historical center of the city - the medina, the ribat, the mausoleum of Bourguiba and the yacht harbor can be seen on foot. If you are less hardy or just do not like to move around on their own, you are waiting for a yellow taxi with a luminous sign-number on the roof. Payment by the counter; in general, within Monastir trip will cost no more than 3 TND, and the hotels of the resort area of ​​Skanes can be reached in 5-10 TND.

Also, locomotive users traveling from Monastir to Sousse through Skanes, "tuk-tuki" and horse carts are at the service of tourists. The cost is negotiated with the driver before boarding, as a whole ask about 5-15 TND.

Map of Monastir

Weather forecast for Monastir

Monastir March 1, Sunday
Mainly cloudy
+15 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
° С water
Monastir 2 March, Monday
+17 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
° С water
Monastir March 3, Tuesday
+21 ° C in the afternoon
+11 ° C at night
° С water
10 days weather forecast for Monastir
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +15 +16 +18 +20 +23 +27 +30 +32 +30 +26 +21 +17
at night+8 +9 +11 +12 +16 +20 +21 +23 +22 +18 +13 +10
water+13 +12 +14 +17 +22 +24 +28 +28 +24 +23 +17 +12

Hotels in Monastir

The number of rooms in the urban part of Monastir - in the mass not the newest multi-storey "treshki" with some interspersing of the "fours" standing across the road from the sea. There is also a small number of very urban "triples" and "twos" - very budgetary, but also with the corresponding set of services.

In Scanners, the picture is much more fun - family "three-stars", a large selection of quality "quads" with a very worthy service and several excellent "fencers" with excellent centers of thalassotherapy.

A distinctive feature of the hotels in Skanes is the lack of entertainment in walking distance: tourists have to settle for either hotel animation or take a taxi to Sousse. But fans of a relaxing holiday here is the most expansive.

Book popular Monastir hotels at the best prices

Regency Hotel and Spa from 2 413 rubles Monastir Cap Marina Daphne Monastir Center from 690 rubles Monastir Avenue Habib Bourguiba Delphin Habib from 1 930 rub. Monastir BP327 Avenue Habib Bourguiba
Hotel Mezri from 1 103 rubles Monastir Route De La Corniche Bp 162 Hotel Chiraz Thalasso Life from 20 676 rubles Monastir Zone Touristic, Skanes Delphin Ribat from 1 586 rub. Monastir BP327 Avenue Habib Bourguiba
Hotel Les Palmiers from 1 792 rub. Monastir Route Touristique Monastir

The sea and the sun

The beaches of Monastir can not be called outstanding - especially against the background of the more fortunate in terms of the "sandy nature" of Hammamet, Mahdia or the island of Djerba. Algae accumulations are not uncommon here, and the northern orientation of the coast of Skanes is expressed in frequent disturbances of the water surface. So it is better to find the ideal sea seekers for other resorts of the country. But budget travelers have no special complaints about the transparency of water and the flatness of going down into the water here should like.

The beaches of the Skanes hotels are protected more or less carefully, but the local population willingly and successfully penetrates the beaches of hotels in the city. Public beaches in the season (for example, opposite Ribata) are overflowing with envy of the Crimean resorts. However, if you come to Ribata beach early in the morning, you can enjoy a rare sensation - you come up, and right before you towers a 12-year-old giant.

5 things to do in Monastir
  1. Rise to the observation deck of Ribat and survey the city's surroundings almost from a bird's eye view.
  2. To see what is the right approach to the transition to another world, in the mausoleum of the first President of Tunisia, Habib Bourguiba.
  3. Dine in one of the fish restaurants in the cozy yacht port.
  4. To buy souvenirs for the house, for the family in the 4-storey "Yasmina-center."
  5. Go early in the morning to the pools for salt evaporation and admire the pink flamingo flocks.

Kitchen and restaurants in Monastir

The best restaurants of Monastir are concentrated in the port of pleasure yachts - a pretty little marina. Here you can try all sorts of dishes from fish and seafood, get to know the national cuisine in the form of salads, pies-bricks, soup-sherba, couscous and sweets, and also to refresh yourself with pan-European spaghetti, pizza and sandwiches.

Also, do not neglect the "folk" restaurants in the city center - they feed here often tastier than in tourist-oriented institutions, and the dishes are worth a penny. Useful tips: Be guided by the number of local people at tables: they certainly will not be eating in a bad place.

From Monastir it is convenient to go on all excursions - and to Carthage, and to the Sahara approximately equal distance, and to the coliseum in El-Jeme and at all to give.

Shopping and shopping

Souvenirs from Monastir do not differ from the general Tunisian ones: the same ceramics, leather and wooden products, pseudo-national clothes, cosmetic products based on olive oil and various knick-knacks, such as key rings, postcards and bonfires. All this can be bought at a fixed price in the largest souvenir supermarket - the four-story Yasmina Center, which is located in the medina of Monastir. Olive oil of the popular brand Ruspina is produced here - it is worth to go to the supermarkets General, Monoprix and Carrefour.

Beautiful Monastir (in French)

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Monastira

In addition to the attractions of Monastir itself, vacationers at this resort have ample opportunities for visiting the excursions, as the city is located almost at the same distance from the sights of the capital and the Sahara sands, and to the magnificent Roman amphitheater in El Jem and is at hand.

In Monastir, first of all, it is worth to visit the medina - the old city. Its main architectural monuments are the Great Mosque (9th c), the marble columns for the construction that were taken from the ruins of the ancient Roman Ruspina, and the fortified walls with the historic gates: the western Bab el-Garbi were built in 15th by the dynasty of Gafsids, the northeastern Bab- Tunisia saw the light at the end of the 18th century, and the southern Bab-Briksha - the creation of the Ottoman Turks in the late 17th century. Located near the eastern wall of the medina, the Museum of National Costume deserves a quick survey. The beautifully preserved Ribat is a model of military Islamic architecture of the 8th-11th centuries. Once it was a haven of monks-murabitins sharing life between serving God and repelling the onslaught of enemies. Multiple restructuring and completion led to a very intricate structure of corridors and halls of Ribat. In the prayer hall there is the Museum of Islamic Art.

Panoramic view of the city and the coast opens from the observation tower of Ribata - do not be lazy to overcome several dozen steep steps.

Mausoleum of Habib Bourguiba is another architectural dominant of the city. A wide alley leads to the building with a golden dome and two minarets, and on both sides of it there is a city cemetery. Inside are the marble sarcophagi of the members of the Bourguiba family and a small museum where the personal belongings of the first President of Tunisia are presented. The massive marble sarcophagus of Bourguiba itself with magnificent carvings and gold insets is located in the central hall of the mausoleum, crowned with a dome. You can look at it from the inner balcony of the 2nd floor.

Bourguiba began to build his mausoleum long before his death - he took architectural projects, selected materials and planned the territory. That's what a serious approach to business means!
  • What excursions can you take on your own from Monastir
A distinctive feature of recreation in the Skanes area is the lack of entertainment in walking distance: tourists have to settle for either a hotel animation or take a taxi to Suss.


Golf, horseback riding and scuba diving are the three main sporting "chips" of Monastir. In Skanes, there are 2 international golf courses - the Flamingo Golf Course and the Golf Club Palm Links, both 18 holes. The landscape - olive and palm groves, hills, sand "bunkers" and lakes. The clubs have golf academies and there are training fields for 9 holes.

Diving in Monastir is not as luxurious as, say, Tabarka, but there is also something to see under water. The coast is mostly sandy with small rocky areas, the depth is from 5 to 20 m. In the waters of several uninhabited islands near the coast it is convenient to observe the shallow fauna: here you can see reefs and grottoes, see sea stars, sea urchins, sponges and various algae.

Fans of the upper ride are waiting at the Skanes Ranch. At their disposal are several sand-riding arenas, "zelenka" and training grounds. There is a riding school, and for those who can keep in the saddle, horseback walks along the coast are offered - to Monastir or Sousse. Photos of Monastir (16)