When it comes to taking your favorite child to the sea, it is guaranteed to get excellent service and do not go bankrupt, it's better not to find directions in Turkey. The Russian tourists of all ages and income levels have been coming here for a long time and enthusiastically - and all of them are being welcomed by Turkey with clean sea, an abundance of hotels of any level and a mass of entertainments, which are attracted to both old and young.

Why Turkey?

Holidays with children in Turkey - a pledge of a great pastime for the whole family: a large number of local hotels are aimed at the youngest tourists, those older are able to spend time in camps with pleasure and profit .Comfortable beaches equipped with everything necessary for children's recreation, an international team of animators, in which Russians often work, a popular "all-inclusive", when one does not have to think about what to feed the child when he suddenly wants to chew something, and rich opportunities for "excursion" "- to put the mind in the child - it's all" childish "Turkey .

When to go

In the choice of the time of rest in Turkey with the child, it is optimal to choose the time of the year when the water is warm to the maximum: from June to September. If the adult tourists are ready, despite the cold, still plunge into the May Mediterranean Sea (not to lose the same vacation!), With a five-year-old child, these ponies are not rented, let alone the danger of a cold, with which all rest will go down. ±​​$ br >

In July-August, it is worth to be especially attentive to the sun: the luminary reaches its peak in its heat-producing capacity, and sunscreens with a high SPF should regularly be used. And of course, do not forget that it is better not to be in the sun from noon to four in the afternoon, devoting time, for example, to a pleasant afternoon snooze.

Having a rest in Turkey with a child does not necessarily mean at sea. Schoolchildren can already be driven through Istanbul, which, as you know, is good at any time of the year. In addition, children's camps in Turkey and language schools operate year-round.

Where to go

Sly Turkish hoteliers have tried to provide virtually every resort of the country with at least a few hotels aimed at families with children .Economical rest is available in the hotels of Alanya, in addition there is a clean sandy beach, there are water parks and zoos .The only negative is a relatively long transfer from the airport (120 km) .In Belek is significantly more expensive, but the rest here is more calm and tourists are less, and the surroundings will be pleased with the cleanest beaches and pine forests..Antalya is "our everything", and in the sense of children's rest too: a shuttle to the hotel takes only half an hour, sandy and pebbly beaches, food is "ultra all inclusive", hotels have entire entertainment complexes for children..Rest in Side will be liked by those who are older: there is where to get on the excursion - there are many historical sights in the district .In addition, a number of hotels in Side have water slides and even full-fledged water parks .In Fethiye children will enjoy hotels with giant entertainment complexes, and their parents - a very beautiful nature and amazing lagoons .

The main thing is to remember that in any Turkish resort there is a hotel for rest with children.
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Holidays in Turkey with children