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Antalya Aquarium

Antalya, Dumlu Pınar Bulvarı Arapsuyu Mahallesi

 Sights of Turkey Krutaya sight-seeing area of ​​Konyaalti - Antalya aquarium. The official website reports that it is the "largest aquarium tunnel in the world", "an unforgettable adventure in the underwater world awaits visitors", "more than 10 000 marine inhabitants" are greeted by guests and everything is like that.

Galata tower

Istambul , Bereketzade Mh., Galata Kulesi

 Sights of Turkey Galata Tower is one of the oldest monuments of Istanbul. To the impressive height of the tower itself is added the natural elevation of the hill of the same name - so that Galata is perfectly visible from virtually any area of ​​the Turkish capital.

Blue Mosque

Istambul, Sultan Ahmet Mh.

 Sights of Turkey This is truly a unique building that has a huge architectural value. It was built on the orders of the Turkish sultan Ahmed I, who for a long time did not manage to win a single war, and Turkey began to surrender its positions. In order to win God's mercy, the Sultan began the construction of his entire life.

Top Topkapi Palace

Istambul, Binbirdirek Mh., Terzihane Sk. 7

 Sights of Turkey In 1479 by the order of Sultan Mehmed the Topkapi Palace was built, which until the middle of the 19th century was the main residence of the Turkish padishahs. Today it is one of the richest museums in the world and one of the favorite attractions in Istanbul.

Alanya Fortress

Alanya, Mh. Hisarici

 Sights of Turkey Alanya fortress can be called the central sight of the city, one of the key historical monuments. It is perfectly preserved and is still presented in all its glory. Also, it differs favorably from other similar structures in Turkey

Hagia Sophia

Istambul, Ayasofya Meydanı

 Sights of Turkey Hagia Sophia is considered to be the best example of Byzantine architecture and a symbol of the former greatness of this power. Initially, it was an Orthodox church, in the 15th century it was turned into a Mosque mosque. Today, the cathedral is one of the most luxurious museums in the world, which you can not refuse to visit.


Istanbul, Sultan Ahmet Mh.

 Sights of Turkey Sultanahmet is the main square of Istanbul and its historical center. All the most interesting things that can be seen in this city are within the same area - the grandiose cathedral of Aya-Sofia, the graceful Blue Mosque


Antalia coast

 Sights of Turkey relax in a hotel in Kemer, be sure to rent a bike (or taxi) and head to the ancient city of Phaselis, which was founded in the 7th century BC by colonists from the island of Rhodes. It is only 10-15 kilometers away, but you will finally understand that Turkey is not only the notorious all inclusive and seals resting on a chaise lounge.

Artemis Temple

Efes, Selcuk, Artemis Tapınagı

 Sights of Turkey The Temple of Artemis is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, described by historians. Was in the Greek city of Ephesus, now it is the Turkish Selcuk. From the once majestic temple today there was hardly a visible foundation and one column - out of 127!

Agora and the Tuha Temple

Side, Agora

 Sights of Turkey In the old town of Side there is a very interesting building. It is called the agora. So in ancient Greece called the largest of the market areas: there were gathered and then there was a trade. There were tents, temples, special rooms for craftsmen, etc.

Agora Smirny

Izmir, Mithat Pasa Cd Agora Alısveris

 Sights of Turkey Remains of the ancient Agora Smyrna are now in the quarter Namazga of Izmir, on the northern slopes of the Pagos hills, is an open-air museum. Agora was used up to the Byzantine period and very well preserved.

Aquapark in Alanya

Alanya, Okurcalar Mevkii

 Sights of Turkey For most Russians, Turkey has already become almost native, because every summer many of our compatriots fly to this country. There is good service, clean sea, wonderful climate, and, importantly, hotel staff knows the Russian language.

Side Aqueduct

Side, Roman aqueduct

 Sights of Turkey Aqueduct in Side is located in the north-western part. The closest bus stop to this sight is bus No. 639. In the city itself there are water pipes from the aqueduct - they can be found in the museum.



 Sights of Turkey Many centuries ago the majestic city of Ani, the "city of a thousand and one churches" among the most beautiful in Transcaucasia, was the capital of the Ani Armenian kingdom. The city reached its heyday in the 11th century: legends were legendary about its wealth and beauty

Olympos Ancient City


 Sights of Turkey Today Olympos is a part of the National Park and does not admit to itself a lot of tourists - so that the city does not disappear completely. The city is not very well preserved, it seems, they do not intend to recreate it. But it can climb on ruins and look at monuments from different eras.


Ankara, Mh. Mebusevleri

 Sights of Turkey The mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, was built in 1953. Today it is the most important tourist attraction of Ankara, at least for the Turks. Inside the mausoleum there is a museum of Ataturk and the War of Independence where a large collection of Atatürk's personal belongings is located

Alanya Archeological Museum

Alanya, Saray Mh, Ismail Hilmi Balci Cd 1-7

 Sights of Turkey If you get tired of lying on beautiful Turkish beaches during your holiday, then you should pay attention to the archaeological museum of Alanya. It is not difficult to find it - it is located near the city park, in the direction of the main street of Alanya - Ataturk Boulevard. Orientir - Cultural center of the city.

Archaeological Museum in Izmir

Konak, Halit Rıfat Pasa Caddesi, 4

 Sights of Turkey Izmir with its history in 8500 with superfluous years saw many powerful civilizations , and in his archaeological museum collected an excellent collection of evidence of the past eras. This is one of the first museums in Western Anatolia. It was founded in 1924 and opened to the public in 1927.


Izmir, Mh. Turgut Reis, S

 Sights of Turkey The word "asanser" almost one-to-one copies the French term and is literally translated from Turkish as "elevator". Asanser in Izmir is one of the most "postcard" sights. Perhaps this glory is greatly inflated, as, for example, city museums and mosques are much more interesting and interesting.

Atakule Tower

Ankara, Atakule

 Sights of Turkey Atakule is a communication and a survey tower 125 meters high, located in the center of Ankara. This is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city and the most noticeable detail of its panorama. The tower stands on a hill and is visible from anywhere in the city on a clear day

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Turkey is not only a magnificent coastline, picturesque beaches and the enchanting gentle sea. In addition, it is a country whose small territory easily accommodates the richest heritage of different cultures and civilizations, their wisdom and beauty. Even the most choosy traveler will find something for himself among the architectural, historical and natural sights of Turkey that will not leave him indifferent and will forever win his heart.

The pearl of Turkey - Istanbul: a city that joined the seas, continents, epochs and religions; The city that visited the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires; a metropolis beyond time and space, riddled with the breath of history and completely different cultures. To see the sights of Istanbul, there will not be enough for a week, because the entire city can be called an open-air museum.

It is impossible to visit Turkey and not see the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, now called the Aya-Sophia Museum, and for its more than thousand-year history had time to visit the Orthodox church and mosque. This is an incredible beauty building, crowned with a giant dome, lying on the mighty tall columns decorated with an ancient mosaic. Opposite the cathedral is the main mosque of Istanbul - the Blue Mosque (Sultan-Ahmed-jani mosque). Graceful building stretching to the sky with six minarets, a stunning monument of history and architecture, a symbol of the city.

No less famous is the huge palace complex Topkapi, once the residence of the sultans of the great Ottoman Empire, and today - a museum presenting a rich collection of exhibits to visitors with the oldest history, including porcelain, dishes, ornaments, etc.

Derinkuyu and Kaymakly are the largest and most famous underground cities in Cappadocia. There are still functioning ancient ventilation shafts, and tunnels and halls are well lit.

The ancient city of Ephesus is another favorite place for tourists in Turkey. And this is not at all surprising, since this ancient city contains in itself traces of the Ancient Greek and Roman eras. In Ephesus, now called Selcuk, there is a huge gladiatorial cemetery, a library of Celsius, and one of the seven wonders of the world - the ruins of the temple of Artemis, once a beautiful building.

However, in many Turkish cities, the feeling is that time has stopped: , Olympos, Kaunos, Demre (World), Phaselis - all these ancient cities are full of fragments of history, preserved through centuries and millennia.

Not only humanity created by its own hands the amazing sights of Turkey - nature also tried y. One of the most famous natural objects of the country - the city of Pamukkale with its hot mineral springs, thanks to which the landscape of this place is absolutely stunning. Caves in snow-white limestone walls, waterfalls and petrified basins are all protected today by UNESCO

The one in the Cappadocia Valley gets the impression that he was taken to another planet or to someone's incredible dream: volcanic eruptions, wind and rain created here the landscapes so extraordinary and beautiful that it captures the spirit.

No less admirable are the Turkish mountains: Nemrut with huge stone statues erected on its top; Tahtali, from which one can descend by one of the world's largest cable cars, enjoying stunning views; Yanartash, on top of which you can see the incredible phenomenon: the fire fountains bursting to the surface of the earth.

Being Turkey's successor to the three great empires - the Hittite, Byzantine and Ottoman - Turkey carefully preserves the monuments of the past, emphasizing the continuity of the modern Republic of Turkey in relation to these almost mythological civilizations. And to be convinced of this, it is necessary to make a journey through the ancient Turkish cities.