Can an adult (over 23) with dual citizenship of the Russian Federation and Israel (permanent residence in the Russian Federation) go on a tourist visa to the UAE ?What are the odds if it's an unmarried girl? $ ?What are the chances if she is traveling with a young man (over 24 years) / girlfriend (over 22) / company (all adults)? $ ?What are the odds if the surname is screaming-JewishDoes the situation change if the girl is married, the surname is double (half Jewish maiden, the second half Russian from the spouse) ?Needless to say, the hotel reservation is 5 * or 4 *, tour design through the tour operator is Schengen did not open, trips to Turkey and Egypt were made many times !

Responds Andrei Zorin, Unex company $ $
If you leave Russia and enter the UAE under a Russian passport issued in Russia (and not in the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv), then there is no problem. The surname does not matter.

The only thing is that if the girl is not 31 years old and she goes unaccompanied by a man with the same name or husband, then the tour operator can ask for a deposit in the amount equivalent to 1500-2000 US dollars, which will return on arrival back.

August 26, 2013

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