Stunning views of Dubai

The largest city of the UAE intends to host 25 million foreign tourists by 2020 and become the most popular city in the world. Ambitious plans are part of the global plan of local authorities to develop the city as a tourist destination.

The Executive Director of the Agency for Tourism Development and Commercial Marketing of Dubai, Issam Kazim, noted that it is possible to achieve the set goal even in spite of the fall in oil prices. Dubai is focused on attracting the largest possible number of foreign tourists. In the near future, the city will open a large number of new hotels, aimed at middle-class tourists. Local authorities continue to invest in infrastructure, and for several years in Dubai will open 51 hotel level 3 * and 4 *.

In connection with the expected increase in the number of tourists, it is also planned to significantly expand the capacity of airports. By 2020, Dubai's air harbors will be able to pass more than 110 million tourists annually.

February 4, 2015
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