March 21, 2015 - March 31, 2015

Festival of Culture and Art in Abu Dhabi

 Holidays and Events UAE International Festival of Culture and Art in Abu -Daby - an annual event, which invariably attracts thousands of tourists and true connoisseurs of contemporary art. In 2014 the festival will be held for the eleventh time.

November 29, 2015


 Holidays and events UAE Formula- 1 - the most important and most prestigious event in the world of racing, rightly called the "queen of motorsport", has long become the dream of almost every rider in the world, and, in addition, is also the most expensive type of motorsport. - $

United Arab Emirates combine the features of Islamic and modern European cultures, and therefore the holidays here are mixed and surprise tourists with their variety. - $ . On New Year's Eve Bai turns into a holiday of colors and light . Thousands of tourists come to see the most grandiose fireworks in the world . Out of 25 sites on the embankment volleys and salutes explode, soaring into the sky with fiery colors of different shapes and sizes ±​​$ br > Festive events take place both on the streets and in closed complexes and parks . . Hotels and restaurants offer visitors unforgettable programs with songs and dances .

For the New Year Dubai turns into a holiday of colors and Sveta. Thousands of tourists come to see the most spectacular fireworks in the world.

In the first decade of March thousands of music lovers come to Dubai at the Desert Rock Festival . For two days residents and guests of the country are charged with energy, listening speeches of beloved world-famous bands . For supporters of the extreme their services are offered by hairdressers and tattoo parlors, graffiti lovers are provided with self-expression areas . As a part of the festival there are numerous contests and competitions, including traditional ones but only men are allowed to participate in the contest .

Every year at the beginning of April the UAE hosts a camel festival dedicated to the preservation of the cultural heritage and folk crafts of the Arab people . Camels not only are considered a symbol of the country and part of the cultural heritage, but still play a significant role in the economic and social spheres. . . Camel races that accompany every significant event in the life of the residents of the country became an indispensable attribute of the holiday. before the festival p a huge auction is going on, where a "desert ship" can only be bought for fabulous money. - $ . The festival is accompanied by exhibitions and oriental bazaars, where you can buy souvenirs .

Within the ten-day festival, beauty contest among black camels and light-colored animals. The first bred for obtaining meat, milk and skin, while the second is valued for endurance. To participate in the contest only animals with pedigree, excellent health and gentle disposition are allowed. Victory in the competition promises a cash reward and a luxury car to owners.

Near the end of autumn, the music festival "Rhythm of the Desert" takes place in Dubai. The event is designed to unite various musical styles, and therefore Arabic, Latin, European, Turkish and African melodies are sounding from the stage, dance groups delight visitors' eyes with fiery shows and belly dances. Since the festival coincides with Halloween, some of the events have a specific theme, and a holiday can also happen without stylized parties in costumes.

On December 2, the National Day arrives in the Emirates. For two days everyone can enjoy the air show with the lifting of the colossal national flag by helicopters, the launch of a balloon depicting the ruler of the UAE. The atmosphere of the holiday is strengthened by parades and concert programs, exhibitions and contests, and in the evening the sky is lit up by flashes of fireworks and laser shows.

Muslim New Year - Al-Hijra - is not like a traditional European celebration. Muslims celebrate this holiday with fasting and prayer. Tradition to congratulate each other, exchange postcards and gifts was born recently. And in the first decade after the holiday there comes an active wedding peak, since this time is considered the most favorable for marriage.