Hello) Tell us, please, the main points, which should pay attention to rest in the UAE (Sharjah). We go for the first time, with us a child of 6 years. We plan a trip in the second half of October.

Answer Andrei Zorin, Unex company
General tips and tricks for travelers to the UAE:

  • It is undesirable to drink tap water. In hotels and restaurants you can buy locally produced water, and in shops it is sold in plastic bottles.
  • Tipping has the status of "not compulsory". In many restaurants and bars they are included in the cost of service. If there is no mention of tipping in the menu, when you pay the bill you can add 10% of the invoice amount. Porters at the airport or hotel can leave 5-10 Dhs, taxi drivers - 1-2 dirhams.
  • Currency exchange is best done at banks or exchange offices, in hotels the exchange rate is not favorable. When exchanging currency, a passport is not required.
  • When shopping, do not rush to pay for the thing you want, but first find out the price in neighboring stores. Bargaining is with pleasure, and not "on duty", it will save your time, because you will be better understood and will soon meet. Do not be angry, because in the East it is a sign of weakness. Even in shopping centers, where prices are fixed and there are price tags everywhere, you can bargain. Just it is worth asking the consultant or the seller for a discount ("discount"). In most cases, the price is reduced "specifically for you."
  • Do not sit with your feet turned towards one of those present. It is considered indecent.
  • Do not even try to offer a bribe to policemen or other officials when a difficult situation occurs. This will only complicate your situation.
  • It is considered impolite to photograph people without their permission. It is forbidden to photograph local women. Try not to point your camera at police stations, marinas, airports and sheikh palaces.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages (including beer) in public places (on the streets, public beaches, etc.) can be punished with heavy fines and even imprisonment.

Specifically for Sharjah it is worth adding:

  • In Sharjah, there is a dry law and even carrying alcohol through the territory of this emirate is officially prohibited. Although the police treat the tourists as a rule quite loyal, it is worth keeping in mind.
  • You need to carefully consider the choice of clothing, if you decide to go outside the hotel. Clothes should not be too open. Women are recommended to close their hands to the elbows, legs below the knees and avoid deep decollete. Men should not walk around the city in shorts.
October 3, 2013

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