Where in the Emirates is it better to buy fur coats?

Responds Elena Bovina, Labyrinth company
It is most convenient to buy fur coats in Dubai. There are 2 most famous stores: "Planet Fur" and "Abrash Center". Both these stores are in the Deira district.

More about shopping in the UAE can be found on this page.

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Closer to winter, the prices for fur coats grow, but the choice becomes larger. Therefore, in summer, when the UAE is very hot and the influx of tourists is reduced (especially in fur coats), a fur coat can be bought much cheaper. The main resort areas of the UAE are Dubai and Sharjah. Not far from Sharjah is a large wholesale warehouse for the sale of fur coats. In any hotel on request you will be given his contact details, can also help with the organization of the trip. Here, it is believed, you can buy a fur coat at the lowest price.

However, the main focus of the fur coats is Dubai itself. There are more than three hundred shops selling fur products, many of which work directly with factories, are called branded and represent a wide variety of models. Even travelers on the beach, traveling salesmen manage to offer fur coats! The maximum number of worthy shops is concentrated in the Deira area and on Nasser Square (or Baniyas Square).

November 1, 2012

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