Ukraine is familiar to most Russians since childhood - a country where millions of our fellow citizens rested in Soviet times. Even in the current school students, the word "Crimea" is uniquely associated with warm sand and pebble beaches, the gentle Black Sea and touching children's camps. In addition, many appreciate our south-western neighbors for the lack of a language barrier, the affability of local residents and the absence of difficulties with visas.

The traditional way to get to Ukraine is, of course, a train. But, on the other hand, a day to marinate in the car is a pleasure, frankly, an amateur. Especially if we take into account that we go to rest on the sea mainly in hot months ...

An excellent alternative may be a short and easy flight, for example, in Simferopol. From Simferopol it is easy to get to almost any Ukrainian resort. At the same time, air tickets to Ukraine are now inexpensive, and there is no deficit even in peak season.

If the soul asks "to the sea, and soon" - it is necessary to choose air transport.

If the soul asks "to the sea, and soon" - it is necessary to choose the offer of Ural Airlines. The daily flight from Domodedovo for a couple of hours will drive you to Simferopol, and there to the sandy beaches are already within reach. The spectrum of airlines that organize flights to Simferopol is very wide: Aeroflot, VimAirlines, S7, UralAirlines, UTAir ... However, one must take into account that the spread of prices is also quite impressive, and when planning the budget for vacation, it is better to choose the flight in advance. >

If you want to start acquaintance with a brotherly country from the capital, Kiev, it makes sense to use the services of S7 - evening flights to Borispol airport are faster than others, and the prices for them "bite" less. Is it more convenient to fly out in the morning? No problem - a ticket for Ukraine International flight, and in an hour and a half you will be there. In general, there would be a desire, and air tickets to Ukraine will be in any situation. Have a nice trip and have a nice rest! The