Our route Moscow - London - New York - Rio de Janeiro. There is an American visa. Do I need a visa to Brazil for Russian citizens to rest for 14 days? Do I need a visa if the transfer in London is only 3, 5 hours? Should I spend money on a British visa worth 89 dollars?

Responds Diana Ignatenko, Tour Express company
The US visa for the UK does not matter. The question of the possibility of exit in case of a long dock in London without a transit or visa for a short stay is decided by the customs officer, it is more reliable to issue a transit visa.

Visas do not need a visa to Brazil to citizens of Russia up to 90 days.

Answer $ Anna Kukunina, Russian Express company
If the transfer in London does not exceed 4 hours and if tourists do not leave the terminal, then an English visa is not needed.
Answer Julia Kazmina
With a transit visa you can go to New York, but I'm afraid you will not have enough time, so to to traffic and customs-passport formalities will take a lot of time, the city will have very little time.

Visa to Brazil is not required for Russian citizens.

If you have a dock in London, then a visa is also not required.

October 15, 2013

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