Can a citizen of Ukraine go to the UK on a Canadian or American visa? Is it allowed to spend several days in transit?

Responds Elena Balatskaya, United Visa Center
The conditions for visa-free transit are the same for both Russian and Ukrainian citizens. According to the changes (pages 11-13) in immigration legislation approved by the Parliament of Great Britain on October 16, 2014, visa-free transit within 24 hours is only possible in certain cases.

General conditions (the passenger must meet all of the above conditions :

  • All segments of the transit trip are performed by airplane.
  • Departure from the country must be made within the next 24 hours after arrival in the country (ie no later than 23.59 the day after arrival).
  • The passenger must have a confirmed bile t / boarding pass for the next (connecting) flight and visa to the country of destination.
  • Transit flight with a stop in the UK should be logical and justified: for example, from the country of permanent residence there are no direct flights to the destination country, or flights through Britain are much cheaper or take less time. (From the point of view of the border guard, the flight from Moscow to Paris through London is unlikely to look logical.)

Special conditions (in addition to the above general criteria, the tourist must match one of them):

  • The alien flies to Australia , Canada, New Zealand or the USA and he has a valid visa of the country of arrival.
  • A foreigner flies from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA through the UK to a third country. At the same time, no more than 6 months have elapsed since the last entry into the country from which it flies, with the current visa of this country.

All those who do not fall under these criteria need to issue a visa in advance or pick up docking in such a way that the flights arrive and depart from the same airport. It is important to clarify before the ticket reservation whether there is a transit zone at the selected airport.

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
If we talk about a nontransit entry, then citizens of Ukraine (as well as Russia) will not be able to enter the UK on an American or Canadian visa: the British visa will have to be issued in any case.

December 7, 2014

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