The US education system is known all over the world and is valued for its high quality .This fact can be ignored, perhaps, only by the most stubborn non-lovers of the whole star-stripped, led by the linguist-humorist Zadornov (for a minute, we were just informed: at the age of 62, Mikhail suddenly fell in love with "stupid amerikos", but he has not yet received a visa) The .For some students, education in the US - new opportunities and a guarantee of a successful career in the homeland, for others - the best excuse for getting into America, gaining a foothold and eventually settling there .Well, someone just wants to cheerfully bring vacations in the company of peers, at the same time pulling up his English .

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Learning English

Language schools in the US offer a wide range of curriculum - from standard (General English) to the level of narrow-professional .There are special programs of varying duration for those who want to prepare for the TOEFL test or for academic programs at American universities (Pre-Masters, Pre-MBA) .Professionals who want to improve their English language skills to advance the career ladder and communicate more effectively with foreign colleagues and partners are offered courses "with a slant" developed for their specialties .

Many language schools are networked and have several campuses, so those students who have chosen long-term courses can acquire a unique learning and living experience in different cities and states of the country.

Short and long-term programs (three weeks, a month, two months, one semester, one year) are available to high school students, university students and graduates, professionals, managers and senior managers. Accommodation can be different: in a student hostel, in a host family or in a private house, in a hotel. Programs for learning English can be combined with academic programs.

The cost of programs for learning English is from 1600 USD for two weeks. This price includes tuition, accommodation and meals.

Language training is offered by a number of the largest, widely known American universities, attracting foreign students, many of whom subsequently choose them to continue their education.

Most major network language schools offer one-year university preparation programs - the University Foundation Year, as well as consultancy services for choosing a specialization, an educational institution and enrolling in a university. All language schools offer a rich program of excursions and other cultural and sporting events.

View of New York City American education
Whelkam in New York, students!

Summer language programs and summer camps for schoolchildren

Secondary school students between the ages of 10 and 18 can spend their holidays in children's summer camps offering a variety of programs with or without a language course, for a period of two weeks, with accommodation in host families or student residences. Especially attractive are the summer language camps, which organize private schools on its territory. In such camps, children from 12 to 18 years are invited. The duration of the programs is 3, 4 or 6 weeks.

In the first half of the day, students are engaged in groups formed according to their language level, which is determined by preliminary testing. Lessons include all aspects of language learning: grammar, speaking, reading, listening and discussing texts, writing. An extensive program of extracurricular activities in the afternoon and on weekends includes sports, art, theater, music and excursions.

Students live in the residences of the school, in rooms for 2-4 people with all amenities. These residences have common living rooms, small kitchens and rooms with washing machines. Each student can use the phone and the Internet. On the territory of the school, as a rule, there are a library, gyms and facilities, a theater hall, a laboratory, a greenhouse, a computer center and a fine arts studio.

The cost of the programs is from 2600 USD for two weeks. Summer programs of private schools of the same duration are more expensive - from 3000 USD. The price includes a study program, accommodation, meals and a program of extracurricular activities.

Secondary education in private schools

Since the United States is one of the world's financial centers, many parents who are planning their careers in business and finance, send them to this country. Education in private American schools is also recommended for those who are going to enter one of the prestigious US universities: the universities of the Ivy League and others. Children in the age of 12-18 can get education in American schools (6th - 12th grades).

In addition to basic academic subjects, private school programs aimed at the full development of the student include dance, acting, fine arts, and sports training. There are clubs of interest and electives at schools,

Since the United States is one of the world's financial centers, many parents who are planning their careers in business and finance, send them to this country.

The duration of school programs is from one year to five years. During the training, children live in student dormitories, usually in rooms for one or two people. Requirements for knowledge of the language in different schools can vary significantly. Most people need a good level of English (medium and higher), but some do not need it, because their school program includes the ESL course - "English as a foreign language". The academic performance of the applicant is taken seriously enough. For admission to some schools you will need to pass language and mathematical tests - SSAT, SLEP, TOEFL.

The cost of the annual program with living in the school is from 28 000 to 49 000 USD. The cost of an annual program with accommodation in a family with half board is from 15 000 to 37 000 USD. This price includes payment for tuition, accommodation, meals, extracurricular activities, transfers, assistance and support for a personal curator, an orientation program on arrival, progress reports and final school documents. Most schools also pay for school uniforms, textbooks and office supplies.

Community colleges

Community Colleges is a two-year secondary specialized school, where education can be the first step on the way to getting a university education..To enter such a college is much easier than to a university, and the cost of training is much lower, which allows you to reduce the cost of obtaining a bachelor's degree several times .For all passed subjects, the student receives "credits", which are counted on admission to the university .Thus, after one or two years of study in a community college, the student is admitted to the university for a second or third year of training .

The duration of the training programs at US universities is from one to four years, at the end of which graduates receive a certificate, a diploma or a bachelor's degree.

For admission you need a certificate of high school. If the level of language training is low, you can pre-pass the language training program at the college. It is also necessary to provide the results of SAT and TOEFL tests, and the number of points received for them is much lower than for direct admission to the university.

The approximate cost of the annual training in the community college taking into account the residence is 7000-7500 USD.

Universities: Bachelor's Degree

The duration of the training programs at US universities is from one to four years, at the end of which graduates receive a certificate, a diploma or a bachelor's degree. University students live in student residences or in private apartments.

For admission you need a certificate of high school. If the level of language training is too low, you can pre-pass the language study program at the university. It will also be necessary to provide the results of the SAT and TOEFL tests.

The cost of the year of study at the university is from 17 000 to 50 000 USD. Usually this amount includes training, accommodation and meals, as well as extra-curricular activities. Separately paid medical insurance and textbooks.

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American education