In the United States, the basic education system is public, free, controlled and funded by both federal and local authorities. However, the system of private schools, colleges and universities is quite common and is a popular norm.

School education in the United States is divided into Elementary School (elementary school from 6 to 11 years old), Middle School (secondary school from 12 to 14) and High School (senior school from 15 to 18 years). Those who have completed secondary education can enroll in community colleges (Community Colleges, Technical Colleges or City Colleges), which after two years of study give Associate Degree a degree comparable to Russian secondary education.

Education in the United States of America is
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In addition, graduates of schools can enter colleges or universities with a four-year course, after which students receive a bachelor's degree. In some universities, you can continue to study for a master's degree (+2 years), as well as a Ph.D. Individual universities with special accreditation are trained to the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Law - training in them becomes specialized even at the undergraduate level.

With the exception of specialized HEIs, education in the US since the high school grades is different in that it does not establish a unified curriculum, all the completeness that each trainee must have .The student has the right to choose himself to one third of the disciplines for study, than the US educational system differs significantly from other countries .The richness of the choice of "additional" disciplines depends on the school, college or university and their financial solvency .There are also no uniform requirements for applicants - each institution has the right to dictate its own rules: will it be necessary to pass an examination, a competition, or just provide a list of subjects studied in the school, the grades obtained from them, and the total number of GPA or Grade Point Average tests? $ .
Higher education in the United States is considered one of the best in the world.

Higher education in the US is considered one of the best in the world..If in schools or two-year colleges foreign students meet rather seldom, then in high school about half a million entrants from abroad are enrolled per year .The most attractive specialties for foreign students are business and management, law, technical means of communication and computer science .In addition, due to the opportunity to choose disciplines for study, in the United States many undergo additional specialization, or in-depth study in the framework of the second higher education of the international sample .Such training can be done in the largest university centers of the country .

The most famous and most prestigious universities in the US are Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, Priston, New York. In total there are about 160 universities, 2,000 colleges with a four-year term of study and more than 1,300 bi-annual colleges in the USA.

Education in the US is
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