How to spend a summer vacation? Millions of people ask this question. But now the conversation will not be about those who rest passively. Many students are looking for an opportunity to somehow recoup the cost of summer vacation, changing the educational process for a temporary job at the place of rest. Just for them, a work and travel program is created and functioning.

 View of New York City

This program has existed for many years, and every year a large number of university students go to the US in order to work, get excellent language practice. And after the end of the program there is an opportunity to travel to the United States, get acquainted with the sights, get to know the country closer. The program itself is designed for 4 months, during which the program participant receives temporary work. Upon completion, the participant is given the opportunity to travel around the country by choosing a particular route.

Conditions for those who can participate in the work and travel program are also defined. First of all, the applicant must be a full-time student, but not the last year. Age is not less than 18 years. The applicant's English language must be at the basic level. Of course, you need to be able to pay a trip for this program.

Who helps the program participants to find the appropriate job? The possibilities are different. You can delegate this issue to a company that deals with temporary employment of program participants, you can look for work independently. The proposed place, for the most part, is in hotels, amusement parks, restaurants. Sometimes, and in the offices of some companies, there may be work for students who have arrived in the United States. Wages are not lower than the minimum accepted, it is the same as for other workers of this category.

All aspects of the program are attractive for young people, including travel. It can be very diverse: there is a chance to take a hundred routes and travel around the country on small buses, you can travel by train, stopping at inexpensive hotels for a few days, and then continue your voyage. The main thing is that the journey of all the participants of the program leaves an indelible impression.

How to participate in this program? Learn all the nuances quite easily by typing the phrase "work and travel usa" on the Internet. On this request there is a large amount of detailed information and even a step-by-step program of the applicant's actions. Will only have to clearly and step-by-step carry out all the recommendations, pass an interview and get a visa at the US Consulate. And after that you can pack your things and - on the road! The work and travel program awaits its participants. Have a good trip!