Wedding .Most women with this word sweetly contract their heart and roll pleasant memories or dreams about a future celebration .Incidentally, the romantic mood prevails among those who have not yet tied themselves up in marriage, the rest often say that the preparation for the celebration took away so much time and effort that they are unlikely to dare to repeat it again .Someone even jokes that after "this" divorce is absolutely impossible, as it can not go through the whole wedding crochet from beginning to end - from invitations to choosing an outfit .However, there are people who are ready to marry at least every year, since their way from dating to the stamp in the passport passed in a quick way: I saw-fell in love, got married .And really, what time to pull?

The traditions of express weddings originated in the USA, in the famous Las Vegas, Nevada .It would seem that in this small town in the middle of the desert collected all human weaknesses: gambling, free love, alcohol, lack of bureaucracy (yes, this quality also attracts crowds of tourists in Las Vegas with legal bias) .It is here that every day there are at least hundreds of wedding ceremonies .The fact is that the legislation of the State of Nevada allows you to make a real marriage without any legal delay .However, it is worth reminding those wishing to do it in a quick way: legal force the marriage concluded within 15 minutes on the territory of the United States has the most real and in case of divorce it is necessary to share half of the property with the spouse .And otherwise the industry of fast weddings is set at a high rate .

Welcome to Las Vegas! Let's do it in a quick way.
Welcome to Las Vegas!

Ceremonies can be classic: lush dress, limousine, hundreds of guests, a restaurant, a wedding cake in three tiers and all other attributes .Stylized: a wedding in the style of the gangster Chicago of the 1920s, with the leading Elvis Presley, surrounded by a corps de ballet of the best cabaret of Las Vegas, in the style of Ancient Greece or Egypt and so on..To prepare such a wedding, the professionals of their business will take no more than a day .That is, you arrive in Las Vegas, are settled in a hotel, apply in one of the wedding companies, and the next day you are in the center of attention at your own wedding of your dreams .

Those who are in a hurry, can play a wedding in just 15 minutes. One has only to come to one of the many chapels in Las Vegas, to express the desire to marry, sign and escape to celebrate the event in one of the city's many restaurants. By the way, a wedding cake can be ordered in a confectioner's shop in just a couple of hours. After all, Americans honor the tradition that says that the top of the wedding cake should be in the family's freezer, then their marriage will be strong, like a frozen cake, and just as sweet.