6 Hotel in Beverly Hills Pretty Woman

The story of the financial tycoon Edward Lewis and the preeminent Vivian has not lost the hearts of thousands of women around the world. Especially in honor of the 25th anniversary of the painting, the management of the Foor Seasons Hotel Beverly Hills, in which the "Krasotki" shooting took place, offers the post-warriors to take advantage of an unusual set of services.

The program includes accommodation in a luxury room with a personal adviser in the best boutiques of Beverly Hills, a picnic, lunches of etiquette and a romantic dinner. The package of services costs 15 thousand USD. Guests of the hotel can also play scenes of Richard Gere and Julia Raberts in a photo session.

Programs with a more diverse package of services will cost fans of "Pretty Woman" in 22, 5 and 100 thousand USD.

February 9th, 2015
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