Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts Ave, 1350

Universities of the USA Harvard University is one of the most prestigious and famous educational institutions in the world. Of course, many students dream of becoming a student at Harvard University, but it's not easy to do it.

Smithsonian Institute

Washington, 1000 Jefferson Dr SW

Universities of the USA The Institute's activities, which is also a research center, are aimed at broadening the knowledge of the general public, serving national interests and providing scholarships in the fields of art, science and history.

Yale University

New Haven, CT 06520

Universities of the USA Yale University is considered one of the oldest universities in the United States. The institution received its name in 1718, in honor of the merchant Elijah Yel, who donated 560 pounds for the needs of the university and enlarged the university library with 417 books and a portrait of George I.

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ

Universities of the USA Princeton University, located in the state of New Jersey, is considered one of the most prestigious and famous educational institutions of America. In addition, it is also one of the oldest universities in the United States. Students study here humanitarian, natural, social and technical sciences.

Stanford University

450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

Universities of the USA To all for whom such words as Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Sun Microsystems, Yahoo! and Google - not an empty sound, of course, is well known and the place, which is associated with the appearance of these world-famous companies - Stanford University, or the University. Leland of Stanford Jr.

There is an opinion that it is better in the world to get university education today in the USA. This is facilitated by a rich research base of university centers, excellent technical equipment and all the possibilities for scientific research. In the world rankings of higher education institutions, US universities consistently collect 70-80 points. Not surprisingly, college education in the United States is one of the most expensive in the world.

In total there are about 3,500 universities and colleges in the country, from the largest, where more than 20,000 students can study at the same time, to very small ones, located far from university centers. The most famous and most prestigious in the US are Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, Priston, New York University. It is extremely difficult to enter into them, but the presence of a diploma of one of them opens up the widest job opportunities in any country in the world.

Universities of the USA
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Boston, Bucknell, Marymount and other US universities

All higher education institutions of the USA are called universities, institutes or colleges .And the word "college" can mean a two-year educational program with the receipt of Associate Degree - a degree close in importance to Russian secondary special education, and four-year courses for undergraduate degree (Undergraduate Degree), giving the opportunity to work as a graduate in the specialty .In addition, the college can be called the department (faculty) of the university, preparing specialists of any particular field of knowledge .Sometimes for such a branch the word "school" is used .The largest universities in the United States, in fact, this is the association of schools, colleges, institutes and research centers .

Universities in the US are usually divided into private and state universities (partially funded by the authorities). The latter, as a rule, is larger, but the prestige of the education received and the price of training depend on the rating of the course itself, not the institution as a whole. Entrance examinations as such in universities in the US do not pass: enrollment in most universities is based on the results of final school tests SAT.

In US universities, you can enter both a specific faculty and a university as a whole, as an "undecided" (however, in this case, access to the most popular offices can be difficult) .To make a choice the student should at the end of the first, and sometimes the second course - while the transfer from the faculty to the faculty is also possible .Sometimes, in addition to the main specialty (Major), you can study up to several minor (Minor), which significantly expands the specialization possibilities .This is made possible by the key feature of education in the United States of America: most subjects students choose to study themselves .And you can choose any, even if it does not belong to the chosen specialization, solely for the overall development of .

In addition to the bachelor's degree, US universities offer continuing education on a two-year Graduate Degree Graduate Degree (Msc, MA or PhD). The PhD or Ph.D. in this case means a degree close to the Ph.D. in Russia, implies scientific research and defense of the dissertation.

No less popular, though more expensive second higher education in the US is business training (the so-called MBA course). It was in the United States back in 1900, the world's first business school, Tuck's School of Business, was founded - today around 60% of the world's leading business schools are concentrated in the country. Prestigious business education received in the US guarantees a successful career.

California Science Center Universities of the USA
California Science Center
Franklin Institute in Philadelphia Universities of the USA
Franklin Institute in Philadelphia
Rowing in Pittsburgh Universities of the USA
Rowing is traditionally popular among students
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Universities of the USA