Is there any prohibition on alcohol in the US? For sale or use? For example, as with us: you can not buy alcohol after 23.00. Maybe there's something like that too?

Response Oxana Blida, Unex company
Alcohol laws in the US are very strict, can vary in different states, and sometimes even within one state . . There is a common rule for all states: to purchase an alcoholic drink in a store, shopping center, bar or restaurant you can only if you are already 21 years old . You may be asked to provide proof of identity, even if you are older than . Also on the street drinking beer or other alcoholic beverages in clear form , as a rule, is forbidden . If, for example, you are caught with a bottle of beer or just drunk on one of the streets, in a park, public transport in the capital - in Washington DC, you will be punished with a fine of up to $ 100 and imprisonment up to 90 days . Even more severe penalty can be threatened if you are caught in a juvenile's alcoholic drink . Alcoholic beverages are mainly sold only in shops that have a license for trading in alcohol, and after 23:00 the sale of alcohol is prohibited .

May 29, 2013

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