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Academy of Fine Arts of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, North Broad Street, 118

Museums of the United States of America In the art museum of the Academy of Fine Arts exhibited a remarkable collection of paintings, sketches, sketches and sculptures of famous American artists of the 19-20 centuries.


San Francisco, Alcatraz island

Museums of the United States of America The most famous prison in the United States and perhaps the whole world, Alcatraz is not only a correctional institution (by the way, it has been functioning for more than 30 years only as a museum), but also a small picturesque island in 15 minutes' march from San Francisco .

Washington Municipal Museum

Washington, 801 K Street, NW

Museums of the United States of America Want to get acquainted with the history of the heart of the United States? Immediately go to the Washington City Museum, which is a project of the Moscow Historical Society. In this museum you will see interesting exhibits that will tell you about the amazing life of the legendary city.

International Spy Museum

Washington, 800 F St NW

Museums of the United States of America The only museum in the world, revealing to its guests absolutely all maps of espionage activities and thereby placing secret agents in a dead end, is located in the core of Washington, near the National Mall. It is one of the youngest and most visited museums in Washington.

The Metropolitan Museum

1000 5th Ave., NY 10028

Museums of the United States of America Among the many attractions of New York an important place is occupied by one of the largest art museums in the world - the Metropolitan Museum. It was founded in 1870 by the Union League Club of New York - a group of businessmen and admirers of art.

Mall and memorial parks

Washington, National Mall

Museums of the United States of America After numerous excursions, you always want to relax and just take a walk through the streets of the city, and better - along the alleys of the park. However, you can combine business with pleasure and during the promenade to get acquainted with several more sights.


11 W 53rd Street, New York

Museums of the United States of America Ground floor: a sculptural garden, Picasso's "Goat". The second floor: printed graphics and a gallery of contemporary art - our contemporaries. Third floor: architecture and design.

The Guggenheim Museum

New York, 5th Ave

Museums of the United States of America The museum appeared in the late 60's, when the copper-coal king Solomon Guggenheim, in his declining years, discovered for himself all the charm of philanthropy. In the halls of the museum, a record collection of late 19th and 20th century canvasses (in the order of 6000 masterpieces) was collected, including works by Kandinsky, Chagall, Pollack, Serra, Warhol, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Picasso.

Museum of Women in Art

Washington, 1250 New York Ave., NW

Museums of the United States of America How does the art of women differ from masculine art? Perhaps the answer to this philosophical question you will find in the National Museum of Women in Art. Whether this unusual museum smells feminism, judge you.

Museum of Journalism and News

Washington, 555 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Museums of the United States of America Have you ever heard of Nelly Bly? She was a legend of journalism of her time. As a reporter for the New York World newspaper Joseph Pulitzer, she feigned serious mental abnormalities to get to a crazy home on Blackwell Island in New York.

Ripley Museum "If you want - believe, do not want to! »

San Francisco, Jefferson street 175

Museums of the United States of America As the official slogan of the museum says, this is the only place in San Francisco (and, I think, in all of the USA) where you can see the dried female torso, the mummified foot of the Egyptian mummy, the pictures made of the tape, and the elephant about the two trunks.

Museum of Contemporary Art in San Francisco

San Francisco, 3rd street, 151

Museums of the United States of America The Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco can be called the main and most visited museum of the city. In addition to the vast collection of works of art from 19-21 centuries, numbering more than 29 000 works, the museum is notable for its ultra-modern building.

National Academy of Science

Washington, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW

Museums of the United States of America It's always interesting to visit the main US educational institution, the National Academy of Sciences, especially if an entertaining excursion is accompanied by a unique opportunity to visit exhibitions, lectures, concerts and other events organized by the Department of Excursions of the Academy of Sciences.

National Gallery of Art

Washington, Constitution Ave. at 4th Street, NW

Museums of the United States of America If you treat yourself to art connoisseurs, then you will appreciate the collection of the National Gallery of Art. The museum presents a huge number of the best works of art from large private collections.

National Children's Museum

Washington, 151 St George Blvd, Oxon Hill, MD

Museums of the United States of America Small guests of Washington are surely worth a visit to the Moscow Children's Museum. In this fabulous place, the child will have incredible opportunities. In the Museum of Childhood your child will be able not only to get acquainted with unusual exhibits, but also have fun amusing the launch of giant soap bubbles.

National Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics

Washington, Independence Avenue at 4th Street, SW

Museums of the United States of America Are you sure that your childhood dream of becoming an astronaut will never come true? Do not rush to conclusions. Still ahead. Of course, landing on Mars is not promised, but the docking of the "Union" with "Apollo", finding inside the cabin of the spacecraft and watching the stars - we promise without ceremony.

National Museum of Natural History

Washington, 10th St. & Constitution Ave. NW

Museums of the United States of America Everyone knows that especially popular among children, especially boys, are dinosaurs. In Washington, you can meet these long-extinct giant reptiles in the National Museum of Natural History, which displays an exposition of skeletons of dinosaurs.

The History of Music Project and the Science Fiction Museum

325 5th Ave N

Museums of the United States of America In the heart of the city is located the "metal" brainchild of the architect Frank Gehry. Someone calls this eccentric structure an area of ​​42,000 square meters of ugly, and someone notes its originality. In this building is located one of the most interesting museums in the state - opened in 2000, the History of Music Project.

Hillwood Museum and Gardens

Washington, 4155 Linnean Ave.

Museums of the United States of America It's no secret that many of the works of art that were once exhibited in the Hermitage during the USSR were sold for a pittance and private collections of lovers of beauty were added to various parts of the world.

Freer Art Gallery

Washington, 1000 Jefferson Dr SW

Museums of the United States of America If you are pursuing the goal to get acquainted with Oriental art, then certainly go to Freer Art Gallery, which presents a unique collection of works of art of the East, collected by the deuterious businessman Charles Lang Freer.

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A trip through the cities of America, in which one of the brightest symbols of the world tourist missionary mission found shelter, will require a large baggage of forces .Particularly sensitive is to worry about sedatives, for bright emotions are guaranteed .Stormy raptures evoke the museum heritage of the states, practically in every, even the smallest and smallest town, there is an occasion for pride in the form of a memorial, the ancient bone of a dinosaur, a groundball stolen, to which the public's favorite once touched, or intricate canvases woven by the Indians .

If the restless tourist leg has brought you to a metropolis, such as Washington, there is a danger that your camera shutter will smoke from the frequency of using .And to capture here, indeed, is that: the contents of the halls of the 20 museums of the Smithsonian Institution, for example, are unique and unique .The most popular museums and facilities of this complex are the fairway in the world of American history and its achievements .The National Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics is a place where not only boys will rapturously lift their heads and open their mouths, nailed by the monumental and high-explosive speed of the lethal aggregates .To learn interesting details of American reality and look into the past of the Great Power, everyone can visit the National Museum of American History and the National Museum of Natural History .Another pleasant moment is the free entrance to the museums of the Smithsonian Institution and year-round open doors that close only on December 25 to the very next day again with 10 .00 to 16 .30 receive visitors .

Practically in every, even the smallest and smallest town, there is a reason for pride in the form of a memorial, an ancient dinosaur bone, a groundball, which was once touched by the public's favorite, or intricate canvases woven by the Indians.

Visitors to the sights of New York also have something to brag about, because here are the world's museum values ​​.The Guggenheim Museum, the American Museum of National History, the Museum of Contemporary Art, one of the best art museums in the world - the Metropolitan Museum will help to uncover details not only of American art and history, in their halls you will trace the fascinating way of becoming an entire civilization, overcoming a huge landmark of human existence, timid strokes of the man-creator and inventor .

Extreme hike in the floating Aviation Museum, located on a huge aircraft carrier of the class "Interpide", which once wore the name "Fearless" (the cost of the ticket is 24 dollars), and a trip to the Museum of Immigration to Ellis Island - will only inflame the tourist appetite and curiosity. Visiting the latter is better combined with a cruise to the Statue of Liberty, which you will spend about 5 hours, paying $ 89.

The misconception that only large cities in America attract millions of tourists every month .Small settlements and modest towns hide in the orange booths no less remarkable historical and cultural delights .For example, it deserves a more detailed study of the unique Carnegie Natural History Museum in Pittsburgh, the Children's Museum in Indianapolis in Indiana, girded with glass fireworks and exhibiting about 50,000 toys every day for visitors, the real palace of fine arts - the San Francisco Explorer Exploration , The Monterey Oceanarium, the colossal Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, the Glory's Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield and many others, the listing of which will take more than one page .

Extravagant museums in the US, too, have more than enough, and the subjects of their exposures sometimes cause confusion and bewilderment, but to visit the most unusual still worth .In Massachusetts there is a Museum of Bad Art, located in Dedham Square, where works are presented, recognized as a failure of the creators .A special reverence is the International Museum and UFO Research Center, the exhibits of which cause a lot of conflicting opinions .The state of Wisconsin has grown to its own circus museum with a curious and large collection of circus attributes: souvenirs, posters, costumes and other circus items from around the world .The museum has more than 200 wagons to visit which is the same as plunging into the world of childhood, holiday and magic .