Irina Ivanova site

Ask the expert Expert-Vietnamese and the general director of the tour operator LLC "ABA". Over the years, Irina's professional and personal life has been linked to the amazing "country of dragons and fairies." Vietnam - is a mysterious corner of the earth, where you do not want to return - he lures and falls in love with himself at first sight. Beautiful bays, virgin forests, local cuisine and the culture of Vietnam is truly a "hidden charm", ready to open its veils to guests around the world.


LLC "ABA" (ABA ASIA) - a tour operator in Moscow, specializing in organizing holidays in Vietnam and other Asian countries (Cambodia, Laos, China, India, Myanmar, Indonesia, etc.). We offer beach, sightseeing and special tours both on group routes and individual ones. Registration number MT3 006005.

Special tours are also being worked out: spa tours, qigong seminars with local masters.

Company contacts:

  • address: 125124, Moscow, metro Belorusskaya, 3rd st. Yamskogo field, 2/13, off. 204
  • phone: +7 (495) 797-38-48
  • website:,,

Working time:

  • Monday - Friday: 10: 00-19: 00
  • Saturday: 11: 00-17: 00? $
  • Sunday is a day off.