What is the weather in Nha Trang in November, is it worth going there in this period?

Responds Ivanova Irina
November - not a good time for rest in Nha Trang . Weather: air temperature - + 26 ... 28, cloudy, rainy, cloudy sea . In general, the climate of central Vietnam (from the resort of Nha Trang to the ancient capital of Hue): from February to August - it is clear rains are rare, the temperature is + 30 . + 35 ° C . In the middle of December - torrential rains, in October - November in the Danang and Hue area typhoons are possible, the temperature is + 20 . + 28 ° C . In the north of the country (from Hanoi to the sea The winter and summer seasons are marked more clearly than in the he . Winter, cool and humid, lasts from November to February, in February and March there is always a drizzling rain "fu" . Since May, the summer season begins sharply: high humidity, temperature up to +40 ° C .
Answer Victor Wu
High probability of rain in this period
Answer Nikolay Chesnokov, commercial director of the company AMITOUR
In November, the temperature is about +25, rains are quite frequent, but short-lived. Main season for Nya Chang March-September.

August 17, 2012

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