Are there waterfalls in Abkhazia?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Yes, there are waterfalls in Abkhazia that deserve the attention of tourists. For example, the majestic Geg waterfall, it's the Circassian, which is located a few kilometers from Lake Ritsa. The waters of the river Gega flow through the Circassian cave, come out of the rock and fall down from a height of almost 60 meters. This waterfall in the domestic adaptation of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes "played" the role of the Reichenbach waterfall, from which allegedly a great detective broke.

Not much lower (about 50 meters) the height of the Klych waterfall. In its vicinity, the ruins of a medieval fortress have been preserved. Very beautiful waterfalls over the village of Haby, as well as Olginsky (he also Merheulo-Olginsky), Shakuransky, just under the flow of which slowly grows stone stalagmite. Exactly the same stone cone rises towards the stream of the Varyal waterfall. But the Gupsky waterfall forms a small but deep lake, where you can swim.

There are waterfalls with more romantic names: Milky (it's the Bird or the Waterfall of All Lovers), Girl's Tears and Man's Tears.

Not all the waterfalls of Abkhazia of natural origin, Novy Afon was created by monks at the end of the XIX century.

February 21, 2012

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