Argentine wines
Alexander Nefedov

Argentine wines

Someone once said that wine was invented in order to drink it .Despite the obvious validity of this statement, not everything is so simple .Wine is a drink that delights .For some, perhaps this is the most pleasant drink of all .A good wine can be compared to an outstanding piece of music or a painting .The very concept of "wine" goes far beyond a simple action: to drink a glass of red or white .There is a whole world around it, connected with a whole series of "before and after" situations, being a part of the pleasure .Visit the winery, try the grapes from which premium wine is produced, choose the brand for purchase, take part in the activities at the winery ... all this is part of the wine universe .

The context of Argentine wine contains the magic of the majestic Andes, the mysteriousness and severity of Patagonia, and even the romance of tango. Wine in Argentina is produced in 7 of 23 provinces, but we will single out only three of them: Neuquén, Mendoza and Salto.

The context of Argentine wine contains the magic of the majestic Andes, the mysteriousness and severity of Patagonia, and even the romance of tango.

The Patagonian wineries are the youngest in the market, but despite the tough competition, they managed to find their zest and are now actively capturing the attention of the followers of this noble drink..Lands of Patagonia are great for growing grape varieties of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir .The advantages of the climate, sunny days, soft nights, height and human effort - this is the combination that makes Mendoza the most important wine region in South America..Mendoza is recognized as one of the "eight capitals of wine" and is a member of the Great Wine Capitals Global Wine Network .High Andes, history, landscapes and pronounced character of the wine of the Cafayate Valley make Torrontes an increasingly favorite Salta wine among world consumers .Here you can find a unique terroir - the highest vineyards in the world are located at an altitude of 2200-3111 m above sea level, in optimal climatic conditions .

Views of San Carlos de Bariloche Argentine wines
Sunset in Ushuaia, Argentina Argentine wines
Argentine tango in the streets of Buenos Aires Argentine wines

Recently, many hotels have appeared in the country, offering stunning "wine" programs for different budgets .There is nothing more romantic than to get lost in the vineyards of Agrelet: the background is created by ancient wineries and majestic Andes, grapevines on trellises .And how about taking part in vendimia - one of the main moments of making wine? Trying wine is older than you! You can even make your own wine, follow the process of processing the grapes, leave it aged in oak barrels for a year and a half, after which your wine will be delivered to you .

Visit to the historic winery begins with a tour of the vineyards in an old carriage harnessed by a pair of horses, with stops to monitor the work in the vineyards .Bypass with a glass in the hand winery, learn a lot about grapes and how it turns into wine .Taste the juice directly from the barrels, try the wine wort and unpeeled wines to later compare them with the finished goods .The visitor will leave the winery with a unique baggage of new knowledge and vivid impressions from the whole world that stands behind every bottle of wine..

There is one very important quality in wine: it brings people together. This is very positive. Who shares the interest in the topic, will be able to establish contacts in the tasting group or simply during a meeting with friends. After all, the reasons for talking about one of the most noble drinks - a great many.