
Argentina's National Parks The Iguazú National Park is located just 18 km from the city of Puerto Iguazú and 7 km from the airport. Its main attraction is the famous waterfall of the same name, a true miracle of the world. It is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, near the border with Paraguay.

Iberian National Park

Esteros del Ibera

Argentina's National Parks If in Russia the swamps tend to drain, in Argentina they are considered almost a national treasure. Among the largest marshlands in Latin America is Iberia, which occupies a huge area of ​​250 by 150 km. Iber's reserve became not so long ago - in 1983 ±​​$$

Los Glaciares National Park

Parque Nacional Los Glaciares

Argentina's National Parks The National Park Los Glaciares is located in the southern part of the Argentine Patagonia. Its territory can be conditionally divided into southern and less popular among tourists northern part, in each part there is a large lake - Argentina and Viedma, respectively.

Nahuel-Huapi National Park

Nahuel Huapi National Park

Argentina's National Parks Nahuel-Huapi National Park appeared in Argentina one of the first. In 1903, the famous explorer Francisco Moreno handed over 75 square meters. km of land to the state, but only in 1934 the government decided to establish here and in Iguaçu protected National Parks.

Talampaya National Park - $

La Rioja

Argentina's National Parks More than 200 million years ago, in the Triassic period, the ancestors of dinosaurs-lagozukhi roamed the Argentine province of La Rioja. This is evidenced by the bones found during excavations in the dry bed of the Talampaya river belonging to these "jumping crocodiles" the size of just a rabbit.

Chaco National Park

Capitan Solari, Colonia Elisa

Argentina's National Parks The Chaco National Park is located in the eastern part of the Gran Chaco plain. It is in this reserve that the echoes of the pristine charm of the wild nature of the Eastern Chaco are preserved. It was founded in 1954 with the aim of preserving the unique landscapes of the savannah, which still survived after the massive clearing of the plain.

Millions of tourists from around the world cross the countries, seas, continents and oceans every year to discover the main attraction of Argentina - its nature .And there really is something to look at .The country stretched for a long distance from north to south, due to which it placed on its territory a variety of forms of relief .The northern and eastern regions are characterized by flat plateaus, in the west and in the south, predominantly the uplands .The flora of Argentina is also diverse, here semi-deserts, tropical and subtropical forests are often neighbors .The country's fauna is also rich in size, there are many endemic and endangered species, for example, pampas deer, vicuña, chinchillas, Magellanic dogs, tuko-tuko, Chak bakers .A small singing bird redhead stove and at all became one of the national symbols of Argentina .

Millions of tourists from all over the world cross the countries, seas, continents and oceans every year to get acquainted with the main attraction of Argentina - its nature. And there really is something to look at.

Features of the reserves of Argentina

To date, the country has created 33 national parks, four natural monuments, as well as many protected areas of regional importance. Landscapes, flora and fauna of Argentina have long outgrown the boundaries of national pride and have become a worldwide heritage, it is no coincidence that seven natural sites of the country are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The abundance of territories with untouched nature is explained by the severe climate, inaccessibility of many regions and comparatively low density of the population of the country.

Popular national parks

It is difficult to say which of the Argentine nature reserves is the most important, they are all beautiful in their own way and are proud of the unique natural monuments. The main advantage of the National Park Los Glaciares is the glaciers, the most famous of which is the giant Perito Moreno. It slides at a constant speed of 1.5 m per day, periodically separating with a thundering crack of pieces the size of a 20-storey house.

On the territory of the park, American nandoo ostriches, Andean condors, Patagonian rabbits, guanacos, pumas and rare gray foxes took root.

In the dry bed of the Talampaya river, scientists investigate the fossils of dinosaurs, in the Puerta del Canyon, the remains of ancient settlements remain.

The oldest Nahuel-Huapi reserve in Argentina stretches from the south-eastern territories of the province of Neuquén to the northeast of the Rio Negro province .Its main "chips" - glaciered extinct volcano Tronador 3 km high and the same mountain lake Nahuel-Uapi .Another reserve of the Neuquen province - Lanin National Park - is known for forests from rare tree species: oblong and alpine notofagus, Chilean Araucaria .In addition, on its territory there is a huge volcano Lanin, glacial lakes Lakar, Uekulafken, Alumine and set of rivers .

You can see giant cacti in the park of Los Cardones. Here, at an altitude of 3 to 5 km above sea level, whole cactus fields stretch.

Cacti of a special kind of cardon in the form of branching poles reach a solid 300-year-old age and a three-meter height.

Other reserves and parks of Argentina

Chaco National Park is located in the central part of the South American continent, on the east of the Gran Chaco plain, and the Valdez peninsula reserve in the north-east of Chubut province is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The peculiar Iberian highland national park in the province of Corrientes ranks second in the area among all Latin American marshes.

The natural parks of Ischigualasto and Talampay are famous for their archaeological excavations, preserved relict flora and fauna, as well as unearthly mountain landscapes.