La Pampa region

La Pampa is located in the vicinity of the Argentine capital. This agricultural center of the country is not very developed in terms of tourism. However, there is still something to see there: this is the picturesque Sierra de Ventana mountain range, the national reserves Lihue Calel and Luro Park. By the way, it's from these places that traditions and folklore of gaucho went.

Central region

Central region includes the province of Cordoba and part of the province of Buenos Aires. There are very diverse landscapes: mountains and valleys, lakes and lagoons, plains, forests and beaches. The most popular leisure options: various trekking, mountain bike and off-road trips, riding.

Kuzhou Region

The region of Kuzhou includes the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja and San Luis. Like the whole country, it is characterized by a sharp change of landscapes. Here are the highest mountain of America Aconcagua (6959 m), immediately settled the main producers of wines of Argentina and the whole of South America.

 Iguazu Falls  Regions of Argentina
Iguazu Falls
 Types of Patagonia, Argentina  Regions of Argentina
 Sunset in Ushuaia, Argentina  Regions of Argentina
Sunset in Ushuaia

Region Lit Oral

The Litoral region (also known as Mesopotamia) includes the provinces of Missionos, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, Chaco and Santa Fe. In the Palmar National Park, palm trees have been preserved, which are over 800 years old. And in the province of Missions there are world famous excavations of San Rugnas de San Ignacio and Cataratas del Iguazú.

Northwest region

The northwestern region is composed of the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca and Tucuman, adjacent to the Andean mountains. To the northwest lie the vast plateau of La Pune with desert landscapes and spectacular lunar landscapes. Admire this beauty tourists can, traveling in the famous "Train to the clouds" on the highest mountain in the world.


Patagonia, the southernmost tourist region, includes the provinces of Neuquén, Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and the islands of the South Atlantic Ocean. In this region, you should definitely visit the town of El Calafate and the Lake of Argento, which are famous for the blue Perito glacier, the towns of Trelev and Guiman, the cave of Las Manos Pintadas with the imprints of the hands of the once-lived Indian tribes.

And also Canyon de Rio Pinturas, the town of Rio Gallegos, the city of Puerto Madryn, the Fitzroy National Park (part of the Los Glacieres park). The Pacito Francisco Moreno National Park is the best place to watch the sea lions, penguins and whales. And also beautiful cliffs at the mouth of the river Rio Desedado, huge mysterious stone formations in Monumento-Natural-Bosquez-Petrificados and Estancia de Santa Cruz complex of farms.