When from our lips the phrase: "Yes, even to the end of the world ...", we do not even think that we are referring to the picturesque expanses of Tierra del Fuego, which once as a result of the global whim of nature was separated from the snow-white glaciers of Antarctica , and now is divided between Chile and Argentina.

Wild nature, thanks to the cruel climate, blood-thirsty stories of insatiable sea waters that annually absorb thousands of ships and remoteness from civilization, remained almost untouched .Only in the stone embraces of cities the comfortable hotels and sparkling neon shopping centers are stubbornly stretching towards the low, gloomy sky - a breath of comfort and warmth for tourists looking to see the horizon with their own eyes, standing on the southernmost cliff of the world .And what if the sea looks like a silhouette of the city that died centuries ago civilization, and with piercing arctic winds will come revelation and an absolute knowledge of the truth of life ?!

40 thousand islands of the archipelago, like a handful of rough diamonds of all possible sizes and shapes, carelessly thrown by the Creator in the gray-emerald waters, warmed only by the January stingy sun. The largest of the islands is Isla Grande. But a severe climate for man - a blessing for the main inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego - hilarious-touching penguins, to see which is one of the first goals of any visitor.

The main tourist city of the archipelago is Ushuaia (which is also the southernmost city of the Earth), the economic capital of the region is the city of Rio Grande.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search air tickets to the city of Buenos Aires (the nearest a / p to Tierra del Fuego)
  • 2 Climate of Tierra del Fiera
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tierra del Fuego
    • 3.1 Fiery Earth

How to get

From Buenos Aires to Ushuaia - more than 3000 km. To overcome them is most reasonable on the plane, the journey time is about 4 hours. From El Calafate to Tierra del Fuego - only an hour of flight.

Search air tickets to the city of Buenos Aires (the nearest a / p to Tierra del Fuego)

Climate of Tierra del Fiera

Especially good in Tierra del Fuego is spring, summer and early autumn. This time is ideal for walks in the national park, cruises, fishing and other trips to local places.

Journey to Tierra del Fuego

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tierra del Fuego

The main sights became the reason for creating the ramified infrastructure of the capital of flaming islands - Ushuaia .To study here you can first of all a city prison, or rather a museum, located in it, and, of course, the regional museum of Fin del Mundo - Museum At the Edge of the World .After that, it is recommended to board one of the boats in order to make a boat trip along the Beagle Channel .For the impatient, a two-hour tour with a visit to a couple of colorful islands inhabited by sea lions, Arctic birds, for a more detailed immersion in the world of Tierra del Fuego's flora and fauna, a 4-hour cruise with a dessert - Magellanic penguin snacks,.Tierra del Fuego National Park - a whole day of impressions, which have no analogues in tourist leisure, and for the entrance only 10 dollars .

An unforgettable trip will be a walk to the Cape Horn National Park, above which towers the one-eyed watchman of the sailors - the famous Horn lighthouse. Royal penguins have chosen the icy stones of the island of Snow Hill, a visit which is a real pleasure, because these are already the lands of the Arctic peninsula, though not everyone dares to take such a desperate step.

It is worth to visit the lake with almost black because of the peat bottom water, go in jeeps to the lakes of Escondido and Fagnano or to float on a rented yacht in the Beagle Channel and to the island of Los Lobos.

Going to a jeep safari, it's better to take care of your dinner in advance and take with you everything you need for shish kebabs. If the guide is experienced, he will definitely tell the parking lot where you can stop and properly, and most importantly - with a refreshment.
4 things that are worth doing on the Edge of the World
  1. After visiting Tierra del Fuego, the sacred is to repeat the route of the legendary Charles Darwin, who in the 1830s made a promenade through the islands of the archipelago. Who knows, maybe this trip will inspire you to a great discovery that has amazed the world, like the theory of Darwinism that arose in the head of a scientist precisely during a survey of the unique beauties of this land. To do this, you can rent a boat and a guide, having previously insured both, and at the same time.
  2. To become the owner of an unusual trophy it is possible, having circumvented Cape Horn, coastal waters of which are the largest cemetery of the ships, for overcoming of which everyone receives the certificate which a couple of centuries ago had the appearance of a silver earring in the left ear. It is advisable to do this only from November to March, when the weather is not so rampant.
  3. In local restaurants, look for dishes from the cantaloupe crab in the menu, to savor fragrant meat of which by local Chilean vodka Pisco with a fortress of 35 degrees. Dinner costs 30-50 dollars.
  4. In order to confidently declare to everyone after the fascinating trip to the islands of Tierra del Fuego: "I saw the end of the world," it is necessary to visit the southernmost locality of the Earth-the fishing village of Puerto Toro, where one of the 50 remaining old-timers pats you on the shoulder with a callous, rough hand, until you are in a hurry to stand on rocky boulders, fighting with the sharp gusts of the sea wind. Address: Navarino Island, Tierra del Fuego Archipelago