What is the cuisine in Austria?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
In the Austrian cuisine, the cuisine of Italy, Hungary, Bavaria and Bohemia has been harmoniously combined. The Austrians themselves love to call their cuisine Gutburgerliche Kuche, which translates as "the kitchen of good burghers". At the same time in each Austrian region has its own kitchen, and the local specialty is also special.

The main dishes of Austrian cuisine are all kinds of meat dishes (do not forget about the famous Viennese schnitzel!), Sausages and sausages, soups and fish dishes, sweets and pastries. An integral part of the local cuisine is coffee (Kaffee). This drink has become so popular in Austria that it is drunk almost twice as much as beer. At your choice in a self-respecting cafe you will be offered about 30-50 sorts of coffee.

January 29, 2014

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