"Persia is our way", Azerbaijan is famous for its carpets, Zoroastrian temples, black tea in pot-bellied cups, forty varieties of pilaf and an abundance of historical monuments of ancient history of mankind .Oil and siphonite gas is almost everywhere from here - even treatment in one of the most famous Azerbaijani resorts, Naftalan, means "rolling up" the patient to the ears of "black gold" .No, not to "get used to the land" - it turns out that the local grade of oil has a unique property: after penetrating into the body, it magically "captures" all the slags with it, and then sweats out with them .The

The capital is Baku. Big cities - Lenkoran, Ganja.

See also the full list of cities and resorts in Azerbaijan.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to get to Azerbaijan
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Azerbaijan
  • 2 Rules for entry to Azerbaijan
  • 3 Customs office
  • 4 Phone numbers of Azerbaijan
  • 5 Transport
  • 6 Security in Azerbaijan
  • 7 Climate of Azerbaijan
  • 8 Money
  • 9 History of Azerbaijan
  • 10 Holidays in Azerbaijan
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Azerbaijan at the best price
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisine and restaurants in Azerbaijan
  • 13 Wines of Azerbaijan
  • 14 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Azerbaijan
    • 14.1 Also recommend

How to get to Azerbaijan

The plane is the most convenient way to get to Azerbaijan. From Moscow to Moscow daily flights fly Aeroflot - from the airport "Sheremetyevo-2" (terminal E), as well as the companies Azerbaijan Airlines and S7 - from "Domodedovo". Flight time is 3 hours. In Baku, planes fly from other cities of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk).

The Moscow-Baku train departs three times a week from the Paveletsky railway station, the journey time is about 60 hours. Also there are trains to Baku from St. Petersburg, Rostov, Ekaterinburg, Makhachkala, Kiev and Kharkov. You can get to Baku by car through Makhachkala (Dagestan). The distance from Moscow to Baku is about 2300 km.

You can also land in Nakhchivan via land transport via Iran, but this will require an Iranian visa.

Search air tickets in Azerbaijan

Rules for entry to Azerbaijan

Citizens of the Russian Federation and most of the countries of the former CIS, who enter the country for a period not exceeding 90 days, do not need a visa to Azerbaijan.

Customs office

Import and export of currency is not limited, the declaration is obligatory. It is allowed to import duty-free: up to 1000 cigarettes or 1 kg of tobacco products, up to 1, 5 liters of strong alcoholic beverages and 2 liters of wine, perfumery (for personal use, in reasonable quantities), as well as other goods worth 10 000 USD.

From the country is allowed to export their personal belongings, handicrafts and goods purchased in the country. Export of any antiques (including precious stones, coins, manuscripts and other works of art) without permission of the relevant authorities is prohibited. The transit of narcotic substances, weapons and ammunition (with the exception of hunting, for which it is necessary to obtain permission), literature and videos that offend morality and the state system of the country is forbidden.

Black caviar from the country can be exported no more than 600 g. Any carpet or handicraft produced before 1960 is automatically considered to be antiques and taxed. Only the relevant certificate of the Ministry of Culture is released from tax, which is issued together with the purchase in official art stores or shops. Goods bought in markets or in private shops, usually do not have such a certificate.
Stunning views of Azerbaijan

Phone numbers of Azerbaijan

The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Moscow: Leontievsky per., 16; tel .: (495) 629-43-32; Consular Section: (495) 629-16-49; website

Genronsulstvo in St. Petersburg: st. The Soviet, 27; Tel. : (812) 717-39-91

Embassy of Russia in Baku: st. Bakikhanov, 17; tel .: (12) 597-08-70, 597-44-58; website

Emergency medical service: 103, firefighters: 101, police: 102, service of exact time: 106, building: 109

Telephone codes of some cities: Baku - 12, Ganja - 22, Imishli - 154, Ismailly - 178, Nakhichevan - 136, Naftalan - 255.


Between the cities of Azerbaijan you can travel by bus, minibus or taxi. The bus station is usually located next to the city market. Buses run on schedule, and buses are sent as they fill. The fare is almost the same everywhere. In addition, the old Soviet tradition did not die in Azerbaijan to send a bus from the hotel to the railway station or airport for their vacationers - this should be specified in advance when booking accommodation.

Public transport - shuttle buses (open 24 hours) and underground (until 1:00). At any time you can use the services of a taxi, the price is better to stipulate in advance. The fare in the city limits is from 3 to 8 USD.

Before long-distance trips with taxi drivers should mercilessly bargain.
Being once one of the main stops of the Great Silk Road, Azerbaijan still fascinates with its sights and beautiful nature. The

Security in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, you can easily take photos and video, exceptions - metro (for this you will need written permission from the management). If a tourist wants to photograph a stranger, you should first ask permission. Tap water is safe for consumption, but it is better to use boiled or bottled water. In hotels and restaurants, most often they use spring water in plastic bottles or they also boil water from the tap.

The voltage in the network is 220 / 240V, 50Hz. Sockets of the East European type, with two pins.

Climate of Azerbaijan

The territory of the country is not homogeneous due to weather conditions due to altitude zonality (there are 8 climatic zones out of 11 existing in the world) .The average temperature in July ranges from +5 ° C in high-altitude areas to +27 ° C in low-lying areas .January, respectively, from -10 ° C to +3 ° C .The maximum summer temperature can reach +45 ° C, in winter the same thermometer in mountainous areas can drop at night to -40 ° C .Characteristic of strong northern winds, mainly in the fall .The best time to visit the country is from April to October .See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and in the cities of Azerbaijan .The


The exchange rate in banks and exchange offices differs slightly. Currency exchange points are located throughout Baku and other major cities. In hotels, shopping centers and large supermarkets accept credit cards for payment. In small shops and restaurants pay cash.

ATMs in the capital of Azerbaijan are in most banks, many of them work around the clock. Through cash machines you can withdraw cash manats and USD.

Tipping is usually included in the cost of the order - from 5 to 10% of the invoice amount. If there is no such item, you can add 10% from yourself. A porter at an airport or hotel can give 3-5 new (denominated) manat. Tipping taxi drivers is not accepted, it is also recommended to coordinate the fare in advance.

It is worth having more small denominations of banknotes and changing the currency only within the limits of the estimated costs.

History of Azerbaijan

Statehood of Azerbaijan - almost 5 thousand years. From the end of the 4th century BC, various national units began to appear on this territory. For example, here there were such strong states as Atropatena and Caucasian Albania. They played a significant role in the formation of a single people. Later, in the 2nd century AD, Azerbaijan fell into the occupation of the Iranian Sassanids, then moved to the Arab Caliphate. So many Arabs and Iranians appeared in the country.

The turning point in the history of Azerbaijan was the adoption of Islam in the 7th century AD. Religion actually began to unite nations, form one language, create new customs, traditions. The subsequent political upsurge of Azerbaijan is connected with the appearance on the territory of several states: Shirvanshahs, Ravvadids, Sajids, Salarids and Sheddadids. Historians call this time the Renaissance.

Approximately 500 years ago, the gradual unification of Azerbaijani lands began. Shah Ismail Khatai connected the southern and northern lands, resulting in the formation of the Safavid state - one of the strongest empires of the Middle East.

His case continued Nadir Shah, expanded the territory by seizing Northern India .But after his death, the empire began to disintegrate - on the khanates and sultanates .At the end of the 18th century, the Ghajars came to power in Iran - the famous Azerbaijani dynasty .They wanted to return all territories that were subordinate to Nadir Shah, and establish a centralized board of the .However, they met furious resistance from Russia, which wanted to seize the South Caucasus .As a result, after many years of war, the parties agreed on the division of land: Russia received Northern Azerbaijan, and Iran - South.During the Soviet era, Azerbaijan became a socialist republic and existed in this status until 1991, until he left the USSR and declared independence .The

Panorama of Baku Azerbaijan
Caspian Sea and Baku
Lovely Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
Nature of Azerbaijan
Ul. Nizami (Trading) at night, Baku Azerbaijan
Evening Baku

Holidays in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a link between Western and Eastern civilizations .The former one of the main stops of the Great Silk Road, this country fascinates with its sights and beautiful nature .First of all, Azerbaijan is interesting as a unique collection of archaeological sites, some of which are several thousand years old .Tourists are very fond of strolling through mosques, fortresses, palaces, inherited from local rulers .In the capital of the country there is a whole "Baku Acropolis" - a historical and architectural reserve, a symbol of the city, numbering many attractions .The

On the Apsheron Peninsula you can find a network of abandoned fortresses, castle ruins, fortifications. Here is the balneological resort Shikhovo, built on hydrogen sulphide springs. The nature of Azerbaijan is unique in that 9 out of 11 existing in the world climate zones are located in the country at once. It turns out a kind of journey around the globe through rivers, waterfalls, mineral springs, as well as deposits of medical (!) Oil.

In the Talysh Mountains, one of the exotic areas of the country, there is a subtropical zone with mixed and broad-leaved forests. Residents of Azerbaijan like to rest not only on the shore of the Caspian Sea, but also in the Gabala, Guba, Shamakhi districts, where a good tourist infrastructure is created. There are hotels, boarding houses, interesting tourist routes.

Rest in Azerbaijan on the seashore or in areas with amazingly beautiful nature is available to very many. For example, a week's vacation will cost about 250 manats (11 thousand rubles).
  • How much are tours in Baku
  • How much does a tour in Shamkir

Book hotel in Azerbaijan at the best price

Shopping and shopping

In the center of Baku, shops are open from 9:00 until late at night, on the outskirts - mostly until 19: 00-20: 00. The lowest prices are in the markets and fairs. Local silk, ceramics and other handicraft goods can be bought in Sharg Bazary (a modern closed market), as well as on the famous Torgovaya street and in the "old city" of Baku. Prices are negotiable, so you can (and need to) bargain.

Qualitative and inexpensive carpets can be found in the center of carpet weaving in the suburbs of Baku Nardaran, and expensive masterpieces - in specialized metropolitan shops. In addition, it is worth to bring backgammon from Azerbaijan (this is practically a national game, in which both old and young are cut), metal dishes and famous caps-"airfields". From edible souvenirs it is worth paying attention to black caviar (which in Russia you can not especially buy now), Baku baklava, spices and aromatic herbs.

Some shops accept US dollars for payment.

Given the problem with paying for credit cards, you should always have cash with you. Basically everywhere in the course of cash payments.

Many goods sold in Azerbaijani shops are of Turkish origin.
  • What to buy in Baku shops
Almost everywhere, oil and siphonite gas are beating from the ground - even treatment in the most popular Naftalan means "rolling up" the patient to the ears in "black gold."

Cuisine and restaurants in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan cuisine is notable for the abundance of all kinds of meat, fish and vegetable dishes, complemented by fragrant greens and a great variety of spices. Some national dishes are substituted for both "first" and "second". Another characteristic feature of Azeri liquid dishes is the use of fatty fat in their manufacture, which, as a rule, is laid in the dish in a finely chopped form. Widespread flour first dishes, as well as dishes made from fresh and sour milk or katyka.

The second dishes are prepared mainly from lamb, as well as from poultry, game, vegetables and rice. One of the most popular dishes in Azerbaijan is pilaf, for the preparation of which more than 40 recipes are known. Of the second dishes, shashlik stands out, and the famous lyulya-kebab and dolma of grape leaves are also included. Another is to try granny ribs, pies "gutaba" with greens and cottage cheese or meat and "sage" - pieces of mutton in vegetable assortment, cooked on a flat frying pan on coals.

There are not many sweet dishes in the Azerbaijani cuisine. Basically it is baklava, kozinaki, halva, rahat-lukum (with different additions), jellied figs and sherbet (the most popular dessert drink in the country).

The order of serving dishes is peculiar: at first, traditionally, tea is served, mainly black baihovy, then second dishes. Often after dinner (especially after plov), dovgu, prepared from sour milk and greens, is served.

The sign of the "tea-house" can be found in every corner of Azerbaijan. Tea there is served in small glass cups of "Armudi" pear-shaped. And to him - Baku baklava, jam from white cherries, figs, cherries and cornel, walnuts and even watermelon.

Maps of Azerbaijan

Wines of Azerbaijan

During the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan earned more on vine growing than oil. This fact clearly shows how important the wine industry for the republic was. No wonder - Azerbaijan has always been famous for its excellent wine.

Archaeological excavations show that wine began to be made in Azerbaijan in the 3rd century BC. However, Muslims pursued the connoisseurs of this drink, and winemaking quickly fell into decay. Local residents were helped by wild grapes - they quickly adapted it for their needs. As a result, Azerbaijan received excellent varieties of grapes, which yielded the richest harvest.

Another blow to the fault was the anti-alcohol campaign that unfolded in the USSR in the 80s of the last century. Because of it, huge areas with vineyards were cut down. It seemed that Azerbaijani wines would not return to their former glory. But it was not there. The

Today, the country is betting on expensive varieties of grapes for the production of refined beverages. Surely, many of us have heard or tried such varieties as "Shemakha", "Agdam", "Kara-Chanakh", "Kurdamir", "Madrasa", "Chinara", "Fires of Baku".

Even after decades, Azerbaijani wines remain piece goods .Earlier they were delivered mainly to the tables of the elite of the republic and the country, today they are exclusively exported abroad .Its role in this has played a small number of vineyards .But despite the fact that the Azerbaijani wine is difficult to meet on the shelves of stores, this drink at its price remains one of the most democratic .For example, a bottle of good wine can cost only 250-300 rubles .And for this price you will definitely get world-class quality .The

Welcome to Azerbaijan! The

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Azerbaijan

Since the USSR, Azerbaijan is known for its tourist routes and thermal waters .Popular routes of socialist times have been carefully preserved, and new ones have been developed - with visits to historical and cultural sites, natural sites .On the Russian market the most in demand: sightseeing tours (with visiting historical sites Shamakhi, Ismayilli, Baku, Sheki, Gakh, Guba, Yardimli and t .d .), beach holidays (Baku, Khudat, Khachmaz, Siyazan, Lenkoran, Astara), medical tours and rest on thermal waters (Masalli, Gusar, Naftalan, Baku, Ganja) .And in Azerbaijan - over 130 museums, galleries and their branches, theaters, mausoleums, mosques, fortresses and other unique cultural sites .The

5 things to do in Azerbaijan
  1. Take the Baku Acropolis by storm and climb the Maiden Tower, with which a romantic legend is connected.
  2. To ask to visit your local grandmother and try the real Azerbaijani cooking at home - after all, Azerbaijanis are so famous for their hospitality! The
  3. Buy on the Baku market a traditional oriental carpet, made in the best traditions of Azerbaijani carpet weaving, without forgetting to bargain for itself the best price! The
  4. To plunge into a naphthalan bath and feel like anew born.
  5. Leave your mark on one of the paved cobbled streets of Ganja, along which Katran Tabrizi, Abul-Ula, Feleki, Khagani, Mehseti and other "stars" of the Azerbaijani renaissance walked.

Baku: the old part of the city is a historical and architectural reserve, often called the "Baku Acropolis". 70 km south of Baku is the largest cluster of rock carvings in Kobystan (Gobustan) in the CIS, which includes more than 4000 rocky sites, caves, fortresses and burial grounds. 30 km from Baku is the village of Surakhani with the temple complex of fire worshipers Ateshgyah. Also interesting is the balneary resort of Shikhovo built on sulphide springs.

Guba is the capital of the ancient Cuban khanate in 165 km north of Baku. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the country with a 16th century fortress, various mosques and famous Cuban carpets.

Shemakhi is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the country, located 130 km west of the capital. The main attraction of the city is the fortress of Giz-Galasy (Gulistan, 12th-12th centuries) - the last shelter of shirvanshahs. Nowadays it is also a recognized center of winemaking and carpet weaving.

Sheki is located 380 km west of Baku, near the Georgian border. Many finds on its territory are more than 2500 years old. In Sheki, a huge number of historical sites, mosques, there is a museum of local lore. Also the city is known as the center of silk production and a climatic health resort.

Lankaran is located in the very south-east of the country, on the border with Iran. This is one of the best balneoclimatic resorts in the country. The city itself is interesting by the Lenkoran fortress (18th century) and the Kichik-Bazar mosque (19th century).

Talysh is a region located in the southeast of Azerbaijan on the border with Iran. It pleases guests with beautiful landscapes of green mountains, cut by gorges with boiling rivers, numerous thermal and mineral springs. Near Jalilabad, the famous Arkuvan hot mineral springs beat here.

Nakhichevan is one of the oldest cities in Azerbaijan. Its main attraction is the mausoleums of Yusuf-ibn-Kuseyir (1161) and Momine-Khatun (1186), as well as the Literary and Historical Museums, the Picture Gallery, the Gyaur-Kala fortress and the famous Khudaferinsky bridges across the Araks (12-13 centuries) .).

In Ordubad, the mosques of Juma and Dilber (17th-18th centuries), medrese, khan's palace (18th-19th centuries) and many medieval buildings united in the State Historical and Architectural Reserve are interesting. 60 km south of Ordubad on Mount Gemigaya (Kemchigaya) is located the concentration of rock petroglyphs (3-2 millennium BC) Photos of Azerbaijan (114)