Go fishing, improve health in a sanatorium, go to visit Father Frost - that's far from an incomplete list of what needs to be done in the Brest region. The glorious region of Belarus for many of us is famous for customs, Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In fact, there are many more interesting places and attractions. So the above list can be replenished and replenished.

Brest region
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How to get

The international airport of Brest accepts flights from many countries, including from Russia. The transport network is well developed in the region, there is a transit corridor Berlin-Warsaw-Brest-Minsk-Moscow, direct routes connect the region with Vilnius and Kiev.

The local railway junction is one of the largest in Europe. The train can be reached in the countries of the CIS and Western Europe. The main points are in Brest, Baranovichi, Luninets and Zhabinka. In addition, in the Brest region you can move along the rivers Pripyat, Pina, Mukhavets, Styr, Goryn, as well as the Dnieper-Bug and Mikashevich canals.

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Sanatoriums of Brest region

Sanatoria of the Brest region are popular due to several factors. First, most of them are located near the forest. And, as you know, clean air has a good effect on health. Secondly, sanatoriums offer a huge selection of procedures that help strengthen the body. Finally, many local health resorts are designed for children. That is, you can come here by families.

On one of the inner walls of the Brest Fortress was found the inscription: "I'm dying, but I do not give up. Farewell, Motherland. 20.07.41 ».

Fans of mud come to the Brest region - during the procedures you are covered from head to toe with medicinal slurry, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. In general, in the sanatoriums, application procedures are widespread, when you want to wrap something in something or something.

The region is famous for its mineral water. Some sanatoriums have their own wells, so the treatment with mineral water is well developed here. Water helps strengthen the bones. As already noted, many health resorts are located near the forest. Clean air has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and walks in the forest strengthen nerves.

Another advantage for the sanatoriums of the Brest region is the cost of services. Usually passes to health resorts are issued for one or two weeks. Depending on what you want to get. On average, a day of stay in a sanatorium will cost from 1100 Russian rubles.

Presentation video of the Brest region

Homesteads of Brest region

Rural tourism is a relatively new phenomenon for Belarus. Local estates receive tourists not only from the republic, but also from other countries. Today, excursion routes are developed here, which include visits to villages and villages, as well as accommodation in mansions.

Most agrotourists are trying to get closer to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Here are beautiful places, beautiful manors, some of them are directly copies of the 19th century landlord's courts.

Agritourists are engaged in that they are attached to rural life and enjoy the local nature. This combination of pleasure with useful. You can pick mushrooms, go fishing, go boating on the lake. The most inquisitive plant trees and take care of vegetables and fruits.

Usually the estates are located not far from the large cities of the Brest region. These are two-story houses, which can take about 10-15 people. The average cost of living is from 500 Russian rubles per person. The price is more than acceptable given the beauty you get for this money.

3 things to be done in the Brest region
  1. Go to visit Father Frost - red-nosed living in his residence in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. You can go into his wooden house and tell the old man about your desires. Not the fact that they will come true, but will gain hope.
  2. Plant a tree near the temple of holy myrrh-bearers - this temple is in Baranovichi. Near the building trees grow - a symbol of a new life. Each of them has a sign with the name of the one who planted them. Refill the alley is considered a good sign.
  3. Return to the USSR - this does not need a time machine, it is enough to go to Brest in the park on May 1. This is a classic Soviet park with children's attractions, chess players and old-time dominoes. To the islet, which is in the center of the ponds, leads a bridge - on it lovers leave barn locks. The key is thrown into the water.

Excursions, entertainments and sights of the Brest region

In the Brest region there are many architectural and historical monuments that attract tourists from different countries.

Brest Fortress

Perhaps the most famous landmark in the region. The defensive fortifications were the first to accept the blow of the fascist troops in June 1945. For more than a month, Soviet soldiers held back the invaders. On one of the inner walls of the fortress was found the inscription: "I'm dying, but I do not give up. Farewell, Motherland. 20.07.41 ».

The Brest Fortress became a hero fortress and a memorial complex. The center of the composition is the monument "Courage", near which the bodies of 850 soldiers are buried.


In the Brest region, both Orthodox and Catholic religious buildings harmoniously coexist. Among the most famous are the Cross Exaltation Church and the Intercession Cathedral in Baranavichy, the Simeon and Bratsk churches in Brest, the chapel in memory of the battle of 1812 in the Gorodechno village, as well as the Jesuit church and the Franciscan monastery in Pinsk.

Palaces and manors

These manors are not intended for tourists, as they are architectural monuments of the Brest region. They can be used to study the history of the region and the life of rich Belarusians. Of the most famous is worth visiting the Nemcevichi manor in the village of Skoki, Puzynov's estate in Gremyacha village.

Connoisseurs of luxury can go to the palace complex of Sapieha in Ruzhany, to the Pinsk Palace or to the Puslovsky Palace in the same Gremyache.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a huge natural complex, worthy of admiration. It is surprising for two reasons. The first is how nature managed to create such beauty. The second is how a person could save such beauty.

The Brest region captures only a part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. According to the number of species of plants and animals, the complex is unrivaled in Europe. The age of some trees reaches more than 300 years. Here lives the largest in the world population of bison. Among the large animals can be distinguished noble deer, wild boar, roe deer, wolf, fox, lynx, marten marten and others.

For tourists developed special routes - foot, horse, car. The museum of nature, aviaries, hotels, sports grounds, restaurants work here.

Fishing in the Brest region

In the Brest region, excellent fishing. Experts advise the following fish places: reservoirs Selets and Veluta, as well as lakes Bobrovichskoe, Vygonoshchanskoe, Guta and Lukovskoye. Here is a real fisherman's paradise - in the rivers there are pike, bream, perch, roach, rudd, tench, crucian, asp, zander, catfish, burbot, chub. You can choose any pond to your taste and preferences.

For a good bite, you need to better understand the river or lake, pick up quality equipment. In this you will be helped by instructors who serve fisheries. They will tell what factors depend on successful fishing.

On some lakes fishing can be paid - information on services is better to learn in advance. Average cost for amateurs is about 10 thousand Belarusian rubles per day. For this amount you will be allowed to catch 5 kilos of fish. For this type of fishing you can buy a subscription for the season or all year. Photo of the Brest region (30)