The Gomel region is located in the south-east of the country. Borders with the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation, Zhitomir, Kiev, Chernigov - Ukraine. Its territory is 40, 4 thousand square meters. km and is the second largest in Belarus. The main transit highways pass through Gomel: Moscow-Brest, St. Petersburg-Odessa, Vilnius-Odessa.

The capital of the region is the city of Gomel.

Gomel region
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A bit of history

The history of the Gomel land dates back to the Paleolithic era, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations of the sites near the village of Berdyzh and the village of Yurovichi, the first settlements on the territory of Belarus. The Polesie lands were inhabited in the 8th-10th centuries by the Dregovichi, the first mention of which is found in The Tale of Bygone Years. On the pages of written sources of the city Turov and Mozyr are mentioned already in the X-XI centuries. On the Gomel land, one of the first East Slavic principalities was created - Turov.


One third of the region's territory is covered with forests, and the large rivers Dnipro, Pripyat, Sozh and Berezina are important shipping arteries of the country. Nature is preserved in its original form in several national parks, reserves and reserves: Pripyatsky and Polessky and Dnepro-Sozh. "

Photo of the Gomel region (14)