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Expert Reviews of Belorussian Hotels

Hotels in Belarus - $
Yulia Marghevich head of the representative office in Belarus of the tour operator "Star Trek"
It's not a secret for anyone that today Belarus is becoming an increasingly popular destination for rest and treatment among Russians. And for this there are reasons. In Belarus there are more than 80 institutions of sanatorium-resort type. Most of them remained from Soviet times. However, they constantly update the number of rooms and treatment rooms, bring in modern medical equipment, train staff, improve the qualifications of medical staff, improve the process of cooking and serving food.

The standard sanatorium package includes accommodation, meals (3-6 times a day, depending on the sanatorium), medical procedures (2-4 times a day, depending on the sanatorium), recreational activities. Sanatoriums of different profiles. Treatment procedures are very affordable, which plays an important role in choosing a country for rest.

Almost all sanatoriums are located in the forest, surrounded by age-old pines, on the banks of large rivers and lakes. Therefore, the air is filled with a large number of resinous ethereal substances, which favorably affects the human nervous system, strengthens the body's defenses.

The level of sanatoria in Belarus is not generally appreciated in the stars. But for tourists to understand, in the country there are sanatoria as the most simple and affordable, and quite expensive and fashionable, as they say "for every taste and purse."

Belarus is difficult to compare with other countries .It took its unique place in the tourist market .The absence of the sea does not provide an opportunity to compete with maritime countries .However, the presence of untouched nature, a large number of clean rivers and lakes, the presence of national nature reserves and parks, make the country a "small Switzerland" .And the availability of its own sources of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, the professionalism of doctors, modern methods of treatment allow to some extent compare with the famous Czech and Lithuanian resorts .

Many Russians go to health improvement and rest in Belarus with children. Sanatoria have a base for treating children mainly from 3-5 years. On the basis of sanatoriums children's rooms with educators are organized, where parents can leave their child during medical procedures. With younger children, you can relax in holiday homes or boarding houses. There are many in the country and specialized children's sanatoria that accept children without parents.

Belarus is difficult to compare with other countries. It has taken its unique place in the tourist market.

Belarus is interesting for tourists of different ages. Young people choose rest in recreation centers and tourist complexes. They are attracted by a quiet rest, swimming in the summer, fishing, walking on fresh air, hiking, rafting, excursions. Popular tourist routes are: City Hero Minsk, Mirsky and Nesvizh Castles, Dudutki, Strochitsy, Raubichi Sports, Khatyn, Stalin Line, Brest Historical, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, "Polotsk orthodox", "Grodno modern", "Vitebsk-Mogilev", etc.

In large cities of the country there are hotels 2-5 *. Meals can be ordered or buffet, you can taste dishes of national, European, Japanese cuisines.

A separate place is now occupied by shopping tours for relatively inexpensive and high-quality Belarusian goods. For these purposes, the major cities - Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, mostly visit.

The agro tourism is gaining popularity. Private cottages in the countryside, offering "natural" rest and food to tourists, equipped with everything necessary for rest.

Rules of conduct in Belarus

As in any country, in Belarus there is a list of rules that foreign citizens must observe:

  • you can not drink alcohol in public places,
  • you can not throw garbage and cigarette butts,
  • you can not violate the rules of the road, and cross the road in the wrong places,
  • you can not make noise in churches or churches,
  • women can attend churches only with a covered head,
  • when visiting the forest you can not tear plants, damage trees, light bonfires not in specially designated places.

Observe the rules of conduct, enjoy nature, communicate with hospitable and emotional people and your rest will bring you only positive emotions!